Chapter 16 The Civil War
Lincoln stated in his inaugural address that his main purpose was to keep the _______ intact Seven states ignored Lincoln’s call for unity and ____________ from the union _______ __________ was attacked by Confederate forces- this signaled the start of the Civil War. Lincoln declared the South to be in a state of ________________.
comparrison The South Population 5.5 million Better Leadership Knew the Terrain Defensive position The North 22 million More money More industry More railroads
Beginning of the War Gen. ___________ ________ in command of the Union troops –Strategy- naval blockade and gain control of the Mississippi River Gen. _________ ____ ________ in command of the Southern troops- didn’t believe in secession or slavery but felt he had to defend his home Both sides relied on ________________ to build up their troops Both sides want the border states- –Keep them from joining the _________ –Strategic advantages (__________ River and close to _________________ ______)
The Battle of Bull Run First battle of the war. Called the battle of _____________ by the Confederates. Confederates named their battles by the nearest __________. The union by the local body of ____________. Fought in ___________. The Union was led by General ______________ and the Confederates by Gen. P.G.T. ________________.
The union had men to the Confederates men. At first the Union was winning until ______________ ______________ held firm and stopped the Confederates from retreating. The Confederates routed the Union from the field.
The Aftermath of Bull Run They all knew it would be a long war. ______________ is given the command of the Union forces. ___________ ____ ______ is given command of the confederate forces. McClellan plans to attack ______________. Lee is waiting for him.
The Seven Day Battle A series of battles that forced McClellan to abandon his plans to take _______________.
The Second Battle of Bull Run Lincoln sent Gen. ________ (Union) to join up with McClellan. Stonewall Jackson (Confederate) moved to stop him at Bull Run. The Confederates crushed the Union Army and forced it to retreat out of _____________.
The Battle of Antietam The Confederates wanted to follow up Lee’s victories with an attack on _____________ soil. Union forces found a copy of Lee’s battle plan. McClellan knew from the plan that Lee’s forces were divided but he still did not act. The Confederate forces reunited and met along Antietam Creek in _____________.
The battle of Antietam was the ____________single day battle in the civil war. This was an important _________ Victory because it stopped Lee’s advance into the North. This shifted control of the Civil War from the ________ to the __________. Because of this defeat, _________ decided not to aid the Confederacy
Union Blockade The Union controlled the seas even though it was difficult because they had to patrol thousands of miles of coastline. To break the ________ Blockade the Confederates built an ____________. They took a ship and gave it a skin of iron plating. The Confederate Ironclad was called the _____________. At first it was very effective.
The Monitor and the Merrimack The union responded to the Confederate ironclad by building their own called the _____________. The two battled to a draw and the Confederates blew up their own ship so as not to fall in Union hands. The two battled to a draw and the Confederates blew up their own ship so as not to fall in Union hands.
War In the West The goal of the Union army in the West was to gain control of the ____________ _________ February 1862 __________ ____________, veteran of the Mexican War, led union forces in an assault on _________________. He captured Fort ____________ and Fort __________. He stopped to rest near a church called ___________ to wait on the Army of the Ohio.
Shiloh Grant was surprised by the Confederate army at Shiloh. The battle lasted _________ days IT was very bloody fighting. When the _________ troops arrived they helped Grant push the rebels back into ________________. This battle gave the __________ greater control over the Mississippi River
Farragut David Farragut was a __________ Admiral in the Navy. He charged up the Mississippi to meet ___________ at Vicksburg. He captured ______ ___________.
Battle of Pea Ridge Took place in ___________ American Indian troops chose to fight for the _______________ in the hopes the South would give them more independence. Southern troops defeated.
Life in the War President Lincoln Issued the ________________ Proclimation- an executive order that freed the slaves in the _____________ states. Lincoln thought this would help the North win the war. Issued after the victory at ___________- position of strength Based on the principle that all men are created __________ (Declaration of Independence) Northern Democrats felt that it went beyond the ___________ of the Civil War- preserve the Union
Copperheads Midwesterners that sympathized with the _________ and opposed abolition. Felt that the draft forced white men to fight for African Americans in the South Lincoln suspends the right of _________ ___________ (right against unlawful imprisonment) and jails the Copperheads without evidence or a trial.
Prisoners _______________ was a hated Confederate Prison. Both sides- often held without shelter and little food.
Civilians Those incapable of serving took over the jobs vacated by the soldiers in the war. Women often became ____________ –Clara Barton was a nurse in the civil war. She founded the _____ __________ Over time ______________ began opposing the war due to the # of casualties and length of the war.
African Americans Both sides had African American companies –Union- ____________________ Infantry- fought at Fort Wagner –South – ___________________ Native Guard Difficulties- often killed or sold into slavery if captured by the South Lincoln proposed to reward these soldiers with the right to _________.
Fredericksburg McClellan is replaced by ______________. Burnside elects to march on Richmond through Fredericksburg. He attacks the Confederates entrenched positions around Fredericksburg and is routed. He loses ____________ men. Burnside is replaced by Fighting Joe _____________.
Chancellorville Hooker takes over for Burnside. He launches a fake frontal attack on the middle of Lee’s Forces. He sends the largest part of his army around Lee’s western flank. Near Chancellorville, _______________. Hookers plan was a good one but he got scared and camped in Chancellorville. The Confederates cut up the Union army. Hooker orders a _____________. ___________ ____________ is accidentally shot by his own men.
Lee Attacks the North General Lee launched an attack on the North. He hoped to force the North to lose their will to fight. In June 1863 – Lee cut across Northern Maryland into Southern ____________________ to a town know as Gettysburg. A small force of Confederates went into the town to raid for _____________. Due to _____________________ failure to follow orders Lee was without scouting reports. The Confederate raiding party ran into a small Union force. They fired on each other and this began the battle of ______________
Gettysburg Union troops are pushed out of town. The Union regrouped along _______________ Ridge and ______________ Hill. Lee wanted to attack before the Union dug in but General ______________ hesitated. General James __________________ (c) – recommended to Lee that they move east and take up a defensive position and wait for the Union Attack. Lee said No- The confederates set up camp at _________________ Ridge.
The Battle for Little Round Top Confederates wanted the Union position at Little Round Top because from there they could cut down the Union forces. The Union forces held- gave the Union a better position than the South
Pickett’s Charge On the 3 rd day Longstreet advised Lee not to attack union forces at ________________ Ridge. Lee still orders the charge They bombed the Union line in its center. Confederates under __________ ____________ marched up Cemetery Ridge and were defeated. Confederate forces lost ________ men. Lee retreats from Gettysburg
The Battle of Gettysburg is the _________ _________ of the war. The ___________ started believing they could win. As a result of the Confederate defeat at Gettysburg _________ _________ and ____________ decide not to aid the Confederates
The Gettysburg Address Speech given by Lincoln that dedicates a portion of the battle field at Gettysburg as a ______________- reminded Americans of the reasons why the war was being fought Reflected ideas of __________, equality, and d________________
The Siege of Vicksburg Vicksburg was the _______ to the Mississippi River. ___________ could not fight the Confederates there because they were entrenched in defensive positions high on the ___________. He elected to surround them and starve them out. (__________) Vicksburg fell on _________ _____, The Union had total control of the Mississippi River which cut off the _______________ states from the rest of the South.
Vicksburg Falls The next day after Gettysburg battle ends Vicksburg falls. The North has control of the Mississippi River. ____________ is given command of the Army of the Potomac….all union forces
Grant In Command Grant takes command and attacks Lee’s flank in the direction of Richmond (the Confederate capital) These flanking moves and battles are known as the ________________ _________. At Cold Harbor, Grant loses _________ men in just 7 min.
Sherman takes Atlanta Sherman marches from South ______________ and takes Atlanta. From Atlanta Sherman Marches toward ______________, Georgia and orders the destruction of everything in his path for a width of _________ miles. (total War) –Destroyed Southern ________________ and industry Showed that the North was making progress in the war. Led to Lincoln’s __________________.
The South Surrenders Grant surrounds Lee’s Army. Lee Surrenders at _________________ Courthouse on ____________ ____, 1865.