Designing & social inquiry Designing & social inquiry A Research on Protocol in the Diplomatic Corporations : The Difference between State Visits and Official Visits Prof. KIM JAECHUN I31005 KIM HAEOK
1. Puzzle &Research Question the U.S. president meets with more than six chiefs of state in any given year? according to the State Department, those guests are not all offered the highest ranking visit as a state visit. Instead they are granted what are called "official visits" or "working visits" or even "official working visits” diplomacy progressed so also protocol has developed to become today a major tool of diplomacy
diplomacy is one of those subjects that has greatly developed since the beginning of the 20th Century to become now the main instrument used by nations to carry their foreign policies objectives and business. Today diplomacy does not only comprise the direct official relations between countries, as we come to know them for several centuries, but also consists of new mechanisms and forms of diplomacy such as multilateral diplomacy, public diplomacy, economic diplomacy, development diplomacy, science diplomacy, water diplomacy, sports diplomacy and e-diplomacy 1. Puzzle &Research Question
Research Question Research Question 1.How The U.S. Ranks The Visits Of Foreign Heads Of State? 2.the decision of what kind of rank to accord each visitor is made jointly by the National Security Council and the State Department. 3.When asked if foreign heads of state are ever invited to stay at the presidents' house such as the White House instead of Blair House 4. Does it related to between diplomacy relation and protocol regarding state and official visits?
3. Diplomacy uses protocol as one of its chief tools. Protocol, is rooted in the sound knowledge of human relations. Those relations, particularly official ones between nations, have come to be governed by accepted practices. These practices are based on the observance of mutual respect and consideration among sovereign countries. Which in turn are based on rules of attention, courtesy, respect and civility. They have proved over time to be a favorite tool to achieve international understanding and cooperation. Regarding subject to The Difference between State Visits and Official Visits, it would be causes of diplomatic relation. Also there are some important facts that the diplomatic strategic connected by exchange of their national interests. 2. Hypothesis
Finally this hypothesis reached about the conclusions which were the U.S. Ranks The Visits Of Foreign Heads Of State. the decision of what kind of rank to accord each visitor is made jointly by the National Security Council and the State Department. When asked if foreign heads of state are ever invited to stay at the presidents' house such as the White House instead of Blair House It depends on relation between two countries and situation. there are some conclusions why protocol is so important for diplomacy and why diplomacy is decisive for protocol as both are used jointly as tools to further friendly relations between nations. 2. Hypothesis
3. Theory the impact that globalization theory theory in diplomacy Globalization made the world smaller and countries are today closer to each other than in the past. The diplomacy relations have made it possible for information to spread rapidly requiring that diplomatic reporting be efficient. Independent theory for public diplomacy The increasing number if states interested in public diplomacy indicates an emerging norm that goes beyond a rational. Interest-based calculations. The concept of public diplomacy is the communication between nations, people, and culture. soft power (Continued)
4. Research Design IV: protocol that state and official visits by decision maker DV: diplomatic relations Case Studies of 1.Historic first State Visit by Irish President Michael D. Higgins 2.The Severance of Diplomatic Relations by Protocol in The Vienna Convention 3. Case studies of the U.S and Republic of Korea
4. Research Design (Continued) Empirical Research Example: The Vienna Convention by he Severance of Diplomatic Relations by Protocol Historical Background globalization in diplomacy: the outcome of p rotocol in diplomatic corporation by various c ase study Theoretical framework Framework of Analysis Quantitative Research on Data Statistics of State Visit and Official Visit The U.S and Rep. of Korea of State Visit and Official Visit Analytical Study of Relation between Diplomatic Policy and Protocol
5. Implication Under the globalization theory, this have created new phenomena that made the world smaller and countries are today closer to each other than in the past. My assumption is that regarding bilateral and multinational relation will affect on diplomacy, also it was given by decision what kind of rank to accord each visitor. It will be crucial factor of the well-evaluated results of diplomacy. So each country want to have successful assessment in diplomacy, they has to be executive to exchange high ranking visit as sate. (Continued)