Urban Graphics
CPT City Town Village
Hoyt Sector Model
Harris and Ullman - Urban Structure - Multiple Nuclei Model
--a CBD, but multiple suburbs that have suburban downtowns, also, a "New Downtown" outside of the CBD Urban Renewal and Gentrification --"Yuppy" movement back into downtowns--higher-income, single, or no children couples living in suburban downtowns or "New Downtown" --Gentrification: the rehabilitation of deteriorated inner-city housing with favorable locations relative to the CBD -newest way to look at USA city structure
Name this city.
Alonso Model: how urban models manifest within physical environment
Now in German
1. Commercial 2. Elite Residential Sector 3. Middle-class Residential 4. Zone of situ accretion 5. Zone of maturity 6. Gentrification 7. Zone of peripheral squatter settlements Griffin-Ford Model
Inner-city zone of maturity Less prestigious collection of traditional colonial homes and upgraded self-built homes Homes occupied by people unable to participate in the spine/sector Area of upward mobility - parts of it may be gentrifying Zone of accretion Diverse collection of housing types, sizes, and quality Transition between zone of maturity and next zone Area of ongoing construction and change Some neighborhoods have city-provided utilities Other blocks must rely on water and butane delivery trucks for essential services Zone of peripheral squatter settlements Where most recent migrants are found Fringe contrasts with affluent and comfortable suburbs that ring North American cities Houses often built from scavenged materials Gives the appearance of a refugee camp Surrounded by landscape bare of vegetation that was cut for fuel and building materials Streets unpaved, open trenches carry wastes, residents carry water from long distances, electricity is often “pirated” Residents who work have a long commute Many are transformed through time into permanent neighborhoods
Rank-size distribution or the rank-size rule (or law) describes the remarkable regularity in many phenomena including the distribution of city sizes around the world If one ranks the population size of cities in a given country or in the entire world and calculates the natural logarithm of the rank and of the city population, the resulting graph will show a remarkable log-linear pattern.
Primate City A country's leading city is always disproportionately large and exceptionally expressive of national capacity and feeling. The primate city is commonly at least twice as large as the next largest city and more than twice as significant. - Mark Jefferson, 1939 Significance Not all countries have primate cities, but in those that do, the rest of the country depends on it for cultural, economic, political, and major transportation needs. On the other hand the primate city depends on the rest of the country as paying consumers of the cultural, economic, political and other services produced in the city. The presence of a primate city in a country may indicate an imbalance in development usually a progressive core, and a lagging periphery, on which the city depends for labor and other resources. However, the urban structure is not directly dependent on a country's level of economic development. Examples Among the best known examples of primate cities are alpha world cities London and Paris. Budapest and Vienna have also been described as primate cities
Primate City France and Paris
Which has the primate city?
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