CHALLENGES TO THE CONGRESS OF VIENNA 1820s: Revolts in Poland, Belgium, Greece, Italy…all UNSUCCESSFUL Another French Revolution??? YES. 1830s – France erupts in Revolution AGAIN.
Essential Questions to answer in this lecture How was the French Revolution of 1830 a challenge to conservatives and the CoV? What –isms were in conflict in this revolution?
France: The “Restoration” Era ( ) Louis XVIII (r )
King Charles X of France (r ) King Charles X of France (r )
To the Barricades Revolution, Again!! To the Barricades Revolution, Again!! Workers, students and some of the middle class call for a Republic!
Louis Philippe The “Citizen King” (r )
CONGRESS OF VIENNA 1815 RESPONSE TO CONGRESS OF VIENNA 1820s – revolts – unsuccessful (except Greece) Greece, German States, Russia (Decembrists), Spain, Italian States Independence of Latin American colonies from Spain/Portugal 1830 – France: the French get rid of Charles X and crown Louis Phillipe the “liberal King” Belgian indedpendence, Polish uprising (crushed by Russia) 1848 – LOTS of revolutions: the biggies: France, German States, Austria
1848 in Europe – the big earthquake France sneezes and Europe catches a cold
Shortly after the 1830 Revolution in France, French writer Victor Hugo wrote that he yet again heard "the dull sound of revolution, still deep down in the earth, pushing out under every kingdom in Europe." The center of this underground activity was in Paris, and in 1848 that "subterranean" sound that Hugo heard exploded above ground in France and then in nearly every part of Europe.
Essential Questions for 1848 How are these revolutions the same? How are they different? (see Ms. Greenberg’s excellent cartoon) What –isms are in conflict in these revolutions? Are they successful challenges to the CoV?
Immediate Causes: The Hungry Forties
The February Revolution
February 1848
Alphonse Lamartine & Louis Blanc Liberals vs. Socialists
Socialist Experiment: French Workshops
June Days: To the Barricades Again!
Next in Line? Yes….another Napoleon
Hungarian Nationalism and liberal rev in Vienna Louis Kossuth Magyar Nationalist
Prague Uprisings of 1848: Pan-Slavic Conference The Prague Barricades
Prussia Frederick William IV
Frankfurt Assembly Meets
1849 Frederick William Declines the “German Crown”
Italian Uprisings: 1848 “ O Brother Love Your Country, Our Country is OUR Home ” Guisseppe Mazzini & The Risorgimento ?v=9SjTNUJgrq Y
The Aftermath: Democrats Swept Out of Europe