{ Sens idiomatique Les verbes réfléchi- la deuxième partie.


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Presentation transcript:

{ Sens idiomatique Les verbes réfléchi- la deuxième partie

 Idiom: an expression that cannot be understood from the meanings of its separate words but has a separate meaning of its own.  Merriam-Webster It’s an idiom

 Some reflexive verbs are not simply verbs that now express that the subject is performing an action on themselves, but rather they have their own unique meanings.  They have idiomatic meanings Idiomatic reflexive verbs

What are these verbs? s’amuserto play; to have fun s’ennuyerto get boredse promenerto take a walk s’appelerto be calledbien s’entendre (avec) to get along (with) se rendre compte (de/que) to realize s’arrêterto stops’inquiéterto worryse reposer to rest s’asseoirto sit downs’intéresser (à) to be interested in se souvenir (de) to remember se dépêcherto hurrySe mettre (à)to begin tose tromperto be mistaken se détendreto relaxSe mettre en colère to become angry se trouverto be located se disputer (avec) to argue withs’occuper (de) to take care of; to keep oneself busy s’énerverto get worked up; to get annoyed se préparerto get ready

 Basically: Do not try to understand why there is a reflexive pronoun attached to these verbs- there just is one. Trust me.  What happens if I don’t add the reflexive pronoun?  It varies- sometimes the verb has a completely different meaning (e.g. dépêcher = to dispatch vs. se dépêcher= to hurry; mettre = to put or to place vs se mettre à: to begin to), sometimes there is no non- reflexive version/ the non-reflexive version is very rarely used (souvenir) Huh?

 Se souvenir- conjugates like venir  S’ennuyer -same spelling changes as envoyer  Se promener & s’inquiéter- conjugate like acheter  S’appeler– spell change  S’asseoir- completely irregular Irregular conjugations

 Are you bored?  What are you interested in?  Where can I sit down?  Do you remember that time when…?  Where is the bathroom?  Are you worried about the math test tomorrow? Répondre en français!