CAA PEACE Status A.N. Fazakerley, I. Rozum, B. Mihaljcic
Contents Dataset Issues Personnel Equipment Software and Products Calibration Schedule Double Star
Dataset Issues PEACE instrument issues (i)Broken anode in C3-HEEA (1 of 12) needs workaround as appropriate (ii)Sensitivity can no longer be assessed by usual method for C3-LEEA (from 10 Apr 2007) and C4-LEEA (from 16 May 2006). Supporting dataset issues (i)We have been requesting support from WHISPER to assist in assessing C3- LEEA and C4-LEEA sensitivity after current calibration validity ends (e.g., Xcal 08; follow-up Jan 2009), but so far very little progress has been made. We cannot deliver good PEACE data from these sensors without kind help from WHISPER! Hoping for more help soon…ideally full delivery of 2006,7 data in CAA file format. Respectfully request that this gets high priority please (ii)Non-availability of EFW potential in higher density environments in first half Prevents our calculation of moments (e.g. also PEA PP). Preliminary study suggests quite a lot of data is ok though not available from CSDS. (iii)Seems that if more 2006 EFW potential data is given, WHI can do more 2006 data
Personnel CAA Post occupied by H Bacai, initially during her maternity leave by M West and then C Anekallu. briefly re-occupied by H Bacai until March 2009 The CAA post is presently vacant. Interviews were held in November; we made offers to 2 people, neither were accepted, a third candidate could not start promptly enough Interviews were held in February; again we made offers to 2 people (one was Andrew Lahiff), neither were accepted, a third candidate could not start promptly enough A further interview was held yesterday (An STFC funded post was also vacant for some months; we now have now been joined by Natasha Doss)
Equipment Problem The MSSL computer system which hosts the PEACE IDFS database, and central data processing computers continues to be unreliable. The PEACE operations team’s computers are working ok, but are slow, and where work depends in database access, are subject to delays. Solution We have decided to provide new equipment to remove our dependence on unreliable systems and accelerate our ability to produce data for CAA. In February 2009 we took delivery of new equipment for use by the PEACE Operations team (not funded with ESA CAA contract money) Transtec 3100L Data Storage Server (NAS) 16 TB RAID5 Dell PowerEdge R300 Server 3.16 GHz 1TB hard drive, 8 GB memory (4 off) These have been set up. Software to run the PEACE database and work with PEACE data is being installed on the servers. A large part of the PEACE database has already been transferred to the NAS.
Moments V ; Cal v5.1; delivered; (code release 1) V ; Cal v5.1; delivered first quarter 2009; (code release 2) V ; Cal v5.2; plan delivery before May 2009; (code release 3) MOMENTS for I year/all s/c takes ~ 1 day to produce if no problems occur and all computers are used (for existing computers) Waiting for benchmark speed test on new computer system Validation code completed Code release 1: initial version Code release 2: updated file naming convention; missing spins and pressure tensor bugs corrected; better status flag handling Code release 3: CAA compliant quality flag definitions, handle overlap better? Defer overlap/time aliasing improvements to V4?
3DR, 3DXP, 3DX, 3DXPA (and LAR versions) OMS, PAD*, LER, NOI V ; Cal v5.1; delivered; (Code release 1) V ; Cal v5.2; delivery by May 2009, starting with 2006,7; 3DR production in progress; Release to CAA pending validation code readiness (Code release 2) 3DRL and 3DRH for I year/all s/c takes ~ 1 week to produce if no problems occur and all computers are used (for existing computers) Waiting for benchmark speed test on new computer system Validation code in preparation (ready for PAD*) Code release 1: provides data and for each data measurements also provides the instantaneous pitch-angle Code release 2: provides data and for each data measurements also an indication of the typical background noise level; updated naming convention and quality flag, more complete status parameter set
PITCH_SPIN Vβ2001-Feb, March; Cal v5.1; delivered 2009 for pipe-cleaning/peer review; (code draft 1) V ; Cal v5.2; plan delivery before May 2009 ; (code release 1) Code draft 1: now not in use - product definition was improved in January 2009 Code release 1: provides data and for each data measurements also an indication of the typical background noise level PITCH_SPIN for I year/all s/c takes ~ 3 days to produce if no problems occur and all computers are used (for existing computers) Waiting for benchmark speed test on new computer system Validation code completed
PITCH_SPIN Example of plot made at CAA using PITCH_SPIN data 0° 180° 90° omni Rebinned data – at times the onboard p.a. selection missed the 0° and/or 180° pitch angles)
PITCH_FULL, PITCH_3DX, PITCH_3DXPA (and LAR versions) V ; Cal v5.2; target delivery by May 2009 probably missing some status parameters (awaits code release 1; validation code) 3DRL and 3DRH for I year/all s/c takes ~ 1 week to produce if no problems occur and all computers are used (for existing computers) Waiting for benchmark speed test on new computer system Validation code in preparation Code draft 1: now not in use - product definition was improved in January 2009 Code draft 2: provides data and for each data measurements also an indication of the typical background noise level (awaiting validation testing)
Calibration V5.2 recently released: allows delivery of calibrated data Exception; C3-LEEA and C4-LEEA sensitivity problem To deliver data for May Review 2009 we will have to set a bad quality flag for these sensors after the calibration validity expires…
Schedule Aiming to meet May Review deadline (try to deliver in April) Prefer to give proposed schedule as soon as we have performance data from our new computer system (may or may not propose to continue some processing at ESTEC) Currently producing V2 3DR data and V3 Moments
Double Star Development work is in progress for 3DF product (most data is transmitted from s/c as 3DF), RPAD rebinned pitch angle product (from 3DF) 3DR product (compressed version made from 3DF) 3DF files are large…