Where Did It All Begin? Sports As Entertainment In the early years of sports marketing, business used sports as a form of entertainment for employees and clients All business wanted was a few tickets or a chance to golf with a pro Times have changed, companies realize sports marketing is a critical component to their overall marketing efforts
Where Did It All Begin? What do we point to as the "beginning“ of sports marketing? Opinions differ greatly: Baseball players allowed their likeness to be used on cards sold with cigarettes Mark McCormack started the relationship with Arnold Palmer Television bringing sports to the masses, and the masses to sponsors
Where Did It All Begin? Peter Uberroth made the 1984 Olympics a financial success primarily using corporate funds William "Bill" Veeck is a part of every discussion on sports marketing. Among other things he: Planted the ivy at Wrigley Field Started ladies day and bat day Put names on the back of uniforms Invented the exploding scoreboard Sent Eddie Gaedel, the midget, to bat in a Major League game!
Here is the most famous Veeck stunt. Eddie Gaedel at bat.
Sports and Entertainment Marketing: Where Did It All Begin? 1896-Olympic organizers issue commemorative coins and stamps to underwrite cost of games 1903-Tour de France started as publicity stunt by French Newspaper L’Auto 1915-New York Yankees draw over 250,000 fans for the year to the Polo Grounds stadium 1920-Yankees draw over 1.2 million fans with addition of Babe Ruth 1925-Goodyear blimp debuts 1928-Coke signs on with the Olympics, and is still there today 1939-First televised NFL game 1946-TV broadcast of Joe Louis-Billy Conn boxing match 1954-First issue of Sports Illustrated 1979-ESPN debuts
Sports Marketing Defined Sports marketing consists of all the activities designed to meet the needs and wants of sports consumers through exchange processes. There are two major thrusts: the marketing of sports products and services directly to consumers and marketing of other consumer and industrial products through the use of sports promotions. Sports Marketing, Mullen, Hardy, and Sutton Co. 1992
Sports Marketing Defined Sports marketing is the specific application of marketing principles and processes to sport products and to the marketing of non-sports products through association with sport. Sports Marketing: A Strategic Perspective, Shank, Co. 1999
Sports Marketing Defined Sports marketing is simply any sales or publicity- related activity associated with an organized sporting event, its personalities, or celebrity lifestyle of its participants. Sports Marketing: It's Not Just A Game Anymore, Schaaf, Co. 1995
Sports Marketing Defined The bottom line... The marketing of sports and entertainment and Marketing of business through sports and entertainment
Sports Marketing Defined The Marketing of Sports This is generally looked at as applying the basic marketing principles (4 P’s) to a team, league, venue, event, etc. Advertising your team Selling season tickets Promoting licensed apparel Writing a press release Developing a publicity stunt
11 4 P’s of Marketing Place Price Product Promotion People
Sports Marketing Defined Marketing Through Sports The marketing of a non-sport product through sports Naming rights to a venue Title sponsor to a college bowl game A pro athlete endorsing a product
13 Local What local events and businesses can be considered to be in the realm of sports and entertainment marketing?
14 Other Examples International soccer Sport as vehicle for economic development Sport as vehicle for conflict resolution Other