ERA OF GOOD FEELINGS: The aftermath of the War of 1812 produced a strong surge of American nationalism that was reflected in economics, law, and foreign policy. The rising nationalistic spirit was only temporarily threatened by the first severe sectional dispute over slavery that was settled with the Missouri Compromise of 1820.
President James Monroe President James Monroe Democratic-Republican Monroe elected President in 1816 Continued the “Virginia dynasty” Death of Federalist party
New western states continued to enter the Union: IN, IL, MS, AL
“Era of Good Feelings”: one-party rule -- Term is misleading: 1.Emerging sectionalism (South, West, & East) 2.Debate over Tariff Issue 3.Internal improvements 4.2 nd Bank of the United States 5.Panic of Slavery issue: Missouri Compromise
Henry Clay’s American System (attempt to build a national economy). Memory Aid: “BIT” BUS (Bank of the U.S.) Internal Improvements Tariff
Henry Clay’s American System 2 nd Bank of the U.S. Protective Tariff (1816) Internal Improvements Depository for federal funds Made credit available in much the country Killed in 1832 First protective tariff in U.S. History Most divisive sectional issue, besides slavery Vetoed by Madison & Monroe (& later, Jackson) States were responsible
Panic of 1819 A. Financial panic and a subsequent depression hit in 1819 B. Causes: 1. Immediate cause: over-speculation on frontier lands by banks (esp. the BUS) 2. Inflation from the war and economic downturn after the war 3. Significant budget deficit (U.S. drained of specie) 4. “Wildcat” western banks foreclosed on western farms
Missouri Compromise A.Missouri asked Congress to enter the union in 1819 ► Tallmadge Amendment Southern states feared destruction of sectional balance 1. Jefferson: crisis was like “a firebell in the night” 2. Northern growth was dramatic ► Senate still balanced 11 to Future of the slave system seemed to be in peril 4. The Senate killed the bill
C. Missouri Compromise of Henry Clay “The Great Compromiser” 2. Provisions: a. Missouri entered the Union as a slave state b. Maine entered the Union as a free state c. Henceforth, slavery would not be allowed above the 36˚30’ line
Missouri Compromise
Vesey Conspiracy (1822) 1. South also worried about slave revolts such as the Vesey Conspiracy in South Carolina. 2. Inspired by the slave revolt in Haiti, freed African Denmark Vesey planned an abortive slave revolt to liberate Charleston.
John Marshall Judicial Nationalism A. Marshall is the most significant chief justice in U.S. history 1. Strengthened the Supreme Court in Marbury v. Madison, His decisions greatly increased the power of the federal government over the states 3. Pro-business B. Major court cases (see Study Guide)
Foreign Policy after War of 1812 A.Adams-Onis Treaty (Florida Purchase Treaty of 1819) B.Monroe Doctrine (1823) 1.Written by John Quincy Adams 2.Stern warning to Europeans (especially Russia) i.No new colonies in Latin America ii.Leave existing independent countries alone 3.American reaction was positive due to rising nationalism C.Webster-Asburton Treaty (1842) -- established the border between Canada and northeastern Maine.
Florida Purchase Treaty, 1819
By the late-19 th century, the U.S. had enough military to enforce the Monroe Doctrine with regard to major powers such as Britain and Germany.
5. John Quincy Adams: one of the most significant secretaries of state in U.S. history: a. Adams-Onis Treaty (Florida Purchase Treaty) b. Monroe Doctrine