The Second War for Independence and the Upsurge of Nationalism Chapter 12
A. Intro Americans unprepared for war of 1812 Americans apathetic and divided Unimpressive military victories Questionable peace negotiations BUT, Americans somehow emerge w/ an awakened spirit of nationalism and pride
B. On to Canada Over Land and Lakes British forces weakest in Canada The land battles had few successes Naval Battles somewhat successful Due to better-manned ships, thicker hulls (Iron Sides), The USS Constitution and better firepower Britain had been fighting Napoleon, but in 1814, Napoleon was defeated Now the British could throw everything they had at the colonies… AND THEY DID Americans did win a significant victory, saving upper NY from invasion
C. Washington Burned and New Orleans Defended English invasion of Washington resulted in burning of White House In Baltimore, Fort McHenry survived British bombardment Prompted Francis Scott Key to write Star Spangled Banner Another blow to British was the Battle of New Orleans General Andrew Jackson placed in command of a hodgepodge of soldiers British foolishly attempt a frontal assault (thinking they have surprise) Jackson and his men are entrenched and annihilate the British
D. The Treaty of Ghent Essentially an Armistice (cease- fire) No mention made addressing grievances which caused the war No territories exchanged hands Basically a draw
E. Federalist Grievances and the Hartford Convention New England had been angry since before the war Hated the Embargo, hated the war, losing money Hartford Convention of 1814, federalists in N.E. wanting Maybe secession 3/5 Compromise revoked President limited to one term Ideas are presented right at the time of news of New Orleans victories (thus no one cares) Basically, the end of the federalist party
F. The Second War for Independence War had huge consequences 1) America gains respect 2) End of the Federalist Party 3) William Henry Harrison and Andrew Jackson become heroes 4) Indians give up vast amount of land N. of Ohio 5) Increase in economy 6) Strong Sense of Nationalism
G. The “American System” After war, Britain tried again to flood U.S. with cheap goods Tariff of 1816 increased to 25% Henry Clay proposed the American System 1) higher tariff to protect goods 2) Strong Banking System 3) Increase transportation (roads, canals, etc.) Increase in trans. Desperately needed Many opposed federally constructed roads, so states did much of it NY built Erie Canal in 1825
H. The So-called Era of Good Feelings James Monroe gets reelected in 1816 This period known as the Era of Good Feelings B/c of nationalism, pride, success Actually, this was a difficult time in the country
I. The Panic of 1819 Econ. Panic in 1819 Deflation, depression, bankruptcies, etc. Prob. Caused by speculation West was hit the worst National bank foreclosed on homes and shut down local banks in the west Called Wildcat Banks b/c they were involved in heavy speculation Some people put in prison b/c of debt
J. Growing Pains of the West People moving west for a # of reasons Land, new roads (Cumberland Road), Indians defeated, steamboats, etc. West begins to develop its own culture Begins to demand cheap money issued by its own wildcat banks
K. Slavery and the Sectional Balance As of 1819, there were exactly the same # of slave and free states Missouri applied to the nation as a slave state Northerners angry, b/c it would upset the balance Missouri Compromise Missouri added as a slave state if Maine added as a free state Also, no slavery North of Compromise was uneasy on both sides
Read Pages ) John Marshall and Judicial Nationalism 2) Judicial Dikes Against Democratic Excesses 3) Sharing Oregon and Acquiring Florida 4) The Menace of Monarchy in America 5) Monroe and His Doctrine 6) Monroe’s Doctrine Appraised