1. Renaissance Rebirth of classical ideas Art Started in Italy
2. Michelangelo Renaissance Artist The David
3. Humanism Erasmus Human behavior, emotion, potential
4. Gutenberg Printing Press Bible
5. Sonnets Shakespeare
6. 95 Theses Written by Martin Luther List of things he felt the Catholic Church was doing wrong
7. Indulgences Pardon for sins “Buying your way to Heaven” Luther’s major complaint against the Catholic Church
8. John Calvin Predestination
9. Henry VIII 6 wives King of England Broke from the Catholic Church because they would not let him get a divorce
Years War Catholics vs. Protestants Changed from a religious to a political war by Richilieu
11. Society of Jesus Jesuits Missionaries that spread Catholic ideas
12. Inquisition Punishment of non-Catholics/heretics
13. Colombian Exchange Exchange of goods, people, ideas, and diseases between the Old World (Eastern Hemisphere) and the New World (Western Hemisphere).
14. Prince Henry The Navigator School of Navigation
15. Frederick the Great King of Prussia
16. Location of the Ottoman Empire Europe/Turkey/Middle East
17. Taj Mahal Palace in India – Mughal Empire
18. Religion of Mughal Empire Islam
19. Shogun Japanese Military Leader The one with the power
20. Mercantilism Trade/Imperialism/Economic Idea
21. Divine Right God given power to rule
22. Versailles Opulent palace in France
23. Sun King Louis XIV (14 th )
24. Edict of Nantes Gives Hugenots (French Protestants) religious freedom
25. Main Contribution of Peter I Modernized/Westernized Russia
26. Heliocentric Theory Nicolaus Copernicus Sun is the center of the solar system
27. Johannas Kepler Planets move in ellipses
28. William Harvey Discovers circulation of blood
1. Thomas Hobbest Leviathan Absolute Monarchy is best form of government, people are naturally wicked/evil
2. John Locke Two Treatises on Government Life, Liberty, Property Dec of Indep: Thomas Jefferson used these ideas
3. Rousseau The Social Contract People consent to be governed in order to be protected
4. Oliver Cromwell Leader of the Roundheads during the English Civil War Took down Charles I
5. Charles II Took over after Cromwell – RESTORATION OF THE MONARCHY
6. Glorious Revolution William and Mary Create Constitutional Monarchy Gives more power to PARLIAMENT Less power to Monarchy
7. English Bill of Rights More power to people/protects rights of people
8. Bastille Prison destroyed during French Revolution First Event
9. Reign of Terror Robespierre Mass deaths by guillotine
10. Waterloo Where Napoleon is finally defeated
11. Napoleonic Code Rights to people Gave people religious freedom
12. All Weather Roads Napoleon made French roads better
13. Nationalism Extreme pride in country (increased under Napoleon)
14. Congress of Vienna Attempted to restore Europe’s boundaries to what they were before Napoleon’s conquests
15. Liberalism and Conservatism New political ideas introduced by the Congress of Vienna
16. Enclosure Movement Fenced off farms in England Bad for poor farmers – they lost their land
17. Eli Whitney Cotton Gin Increased slavery
18. James Watt Steam Engine Yayyyy
19. Factory System Method of manufacturing Started during Industrialization Replaced Cottage Industry
20. Henry Bessemer Made it possible to mass produce steel (Bessemer Process)
21. Adam Smith Wealth of Nations CAPITALISM
22. Karl Marx Das Kapital The Communist Manifesto COMMUNISM
23. Edward Jenner Smallpox Vaccine #savestheworld
24. Louis Pasteur Discovers Bacteria
25. Simon Bolivar Helps several countries in Latin America get their INDEPENDENCE George Washington of Latin America
26. Toussaint L’Ouverture Led Haitian Revolution Former Slave
1. Garibaldi United SOUTHERN Italy
2. Cavour Unites NORTHERN Italy
3. Papal States Last states to unify in Italy
4. Realpolitik Politics of Reality Bismark came up with it
5. Otto Von Bismark German Unification
6. Franco-Prussian War Prussia v. France Leads to German independence
7. Reform Act of 32 More power goes to Parliament
8. Sphere of Influence Foreign power controls an area of trade in another country CHINA
9. Protectorate Form of imperialism More powerful country provides protection to smaller country for economic benefit
10. Suez Canal Connect the Mediterranean to the Red Sea Basically connects Europe to trade with India and Asia via waterway
11. British East India Company British controlled trade in India
12. Boxer Rebellion China’s attempt to end foreign influence (unsuccessful)
13. Archduke Ferdinand Ruler of Austria-Hungary Assassinated – which begins WWI Killed by Gavrilo Princep (The Black Hand)
14. Kaiser Wilhelm Leader of Germany during WWI
15. Lenin Started Communism in Russia Led the Russian Revolution Leader of the Bolsheviks
16. League of Nations Group of countries Goal is world peace/prevent future wars
17. Mandates French/British occupation of the Middle East French – Syria and Lebanon British – Transjordan, Palestine, Iraq
18. Bolsheviks Led by Lenin Took control during Russian Revolution Communists
19. Czar Nicholas Incompetent leader of Russia during WWI – taken down during Russian Revolution
20. Treaty of Versailles Punished Germany after WWI – took away lands, pay reparations, no military allowed
Points/Wilson Ideas to maintain world peace League of Nations US not a member of the League of Nations
22. Reparations Money Germany had to pay France and GB $33 Billion
23. Five Years Plans Economic plan by Stalin for USSR
24. Collectivization Idea by Stalin Created large state owned farms
25. Nazism Extreme Socialism/Germany/Hitler
26. Fascism Italy/Mussolini
SOL Terms 4 1.Kenyatta -Leader of Kenya -Got them their independence
2. Ghandi Peaceful resistance India’s independence
3. Apartheid Racial segregation in South Africa Nelson Mandela
4. Palestine Islam Israel border dispute
5. Manchuria (1931) Invaded by Japan
6. Appeasement Letting Hitler take over lands to avoid a world war
7. FDR (WW2) President
8. Harry Truman in WWII President at the end of WWII Made the decision to drop the atomic bomb on Japan
9. Dwight Eisenhower US General during D DAY
10. Douglas MacArthur US General in the Pacific Island Hopping
11. George Marshall Marshall Plan Rebuild Europe
12. Hideki Tojo Military Leader - Japan
13. Hirohito Japanese emperor
14. Containment Stop the spread of Communism Part of the Truman Doctrine
15. Final Solution Hitler’s plan to exterminate the Jews during the Holocaust
16. Mao Zedong/Chiang Khai Shek Chinese Civil War Communist Leader Nationalist Leader
17. Ho Chi Minh Vietnam Leader
18. Nelson Mandela President South Africa
19. NATO/Warsaw Pact Democratic Alliance Communist Alliance
20. Rwanda Genocides Tutsis v. Hutus
21. Multi National Corporations NAFTA/UN Economic Interdependence
22. Nuremberg Trials Trials to condemn Nazi leaders