COM 470 Entire Course For more classes visit COM 470 Week 1 Individual Assignment Conflict Assessment Worksheet COM 470 Week 2 LT.


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Presentation transcript:

COM 470 Entire Course For more classes visit COM 470 Week 1 Individual Assignment Conflict Assessment Worksheet COM 470 Week 2 LT Assignment Patton Family Case Study Context and History of Conflict Paper COM 470 Week 2 Assignment Unbiased Talk Matrix COM 470 Week 3 LT Assignment Patton Family Case Study Power and Communication Paper COM 470 Week 3 Assignment Conflict Diagnosis in the News Paper

COM 470 Week 1 Individual Assignment Conflict Assessment Worksheet For more classes visit Complete the University of Phoenix Material: Individual Conflict Assessment Worksheet, available on the student website

COM 470 Week 2 Assignment Unbiased Talk Matrix For more classes visit Complete the University of Phoenix Material: Unbiased Talk Matrix, available on the student website. Instructions and details of the assignment are included.

COM 470 Week 2 LT Assignment Patton Family Case Study Context an For more classes visit Resource: University of Phoenix Material: Patton Family Learning Team Case Study. Complete the Context and History of Conflict Paper using the Patton Family Case Study Instructions, available on the student website

COM 470 Week 3 Assignment Conflict Diagnosis in the News Paper For more classes visit Resource: Ch. 2 of Alternative Dispute Resolution Locate a newspaper, television, web, or magazine news item that illustrates some facet of conflict diagnosis. Write a 1,050 to 1,400-word paper that summarizes the item. Analyze the significance of using conflict diagnosis and conflict resolution for this particular conflict. Ch. 2 of Alternative Dispute Resolution may help you illustrate your analysis.

COM 470 Week 3 LT Assignment Patton Family Case Study Power and Communication Paper For more classes visit Resource: University of Phoenix Material: Patton Family Learning Team Case Study. Complete the Power and Communication Paper using the Patton Family Case Study Instructions, available on the student website

COM 470 Week 4 Assignment Mediator Qualification Law Paper For more classes visit Prepare a 1,400- to 1,700-word paper on the state of mediator qualification law in your state. What is your opinion in the confidentiality versus good-faith requirement controversy as it applies to your state Research the state of mediator qualification in your state. · Is there one statute or regulation that covers all mediators, or are different specialties required to meet different qualification standards? Does your state describe

COM 470 Week 4 LT Assignment Patton Family Case Study Summarize the Conflict Paper For more classes visit Complete the Mediation and Conflict Resolution Quiz, which your instructor will distribute during Week 5. Instructions and details of the quiz are included. PREVIEW

COM 470 Week 5 Assignment Mediation and Conflict Resolution Quiz For more classes visit Resource: University of Phoenix Material: Patton Family Learning Team Case Study. Complete the Summarize the Conflict Paper using the Instructions, available on the student website

COM 470 Week 5 LT Assignment Patton Family Case Study Conflict Intervention and Recommendations Paper For more classes visit Resource: University of Phoenix Material: Patton Family Learning Team Case Study. Complete the Conflict Intervention and Recommendations Paper using the Instructions, available on the student website.