Monday – November 30 Have your research assignment from last week for class discussion.
Settling Disputes/conflicts What is a conflict?
Conflict Controversy Competitive or opposing action Conflict is a natural part of everyday life so it is important that we consider how to handle it.
Going to court to resolve conflict Advantages A responsible way to manage conflict A learning experience disadvantages Time consuming Expensive Problem becomes worse A feeling of loss even though there is a victory
Methods for Solving Disputes Negotiation – people involved discuss their problem. Informal talk Mediation – when a 3 rd person helps the disputing parties talk about their problem. Arbitration – both parties agree to have one or more persons listen to their arguments and make a decision for them. Court action
What is a settlement? An agreement worked out before the case goes to trial.
What is an ombudsperson Government and universities often have these positions. Investigate complaints and then help the parties reach some agreement.
Steps in a Typical Mediation Session 1. Introduction – ground rules explained 2. Telling the story – each person tells what happened with no interruptions. 3. Identifying Positions and Interests – clear understanding 4. Identifying Alternative Solutions 5. Revising and Discussion Solutions - 6. Reaching an Agreement – both can accept.
Complete 4.1
Complete Problems at the Mall