Time Poor Consumers Sport is becoming tailored to meet personal needs Health rather than competition is becoming the major driver for participation Increased use of online tools and applications to individualise sport A Perfect Fit
Extreme to Mainstream Lifestyle, adventure and alternative sports – popular with young Australians Participation driven by wide spread use of digital media &set=vb &type =2&theater
More than Sport Broader benefits derived from participation…. Physical and mental benefits International Cooperation Crime Prevention Social Inclusion
Everybody's Game Shift in demographics Cultural changes Australian’s embracing sport in older age
New Wealth, New Talent Population and income growth throughout Asia Asian Countries becoming more interested in Sport Emerging new sports markets: Sports tourism Tournaments / Events Social Media and television Corporate Experience
Tracksuits to Business suits Athletes drawn away from sports that have lower salary bases Administration of Sport shift from Community base to Corporate Structures Increased Governance accountability Increased commercial responsibility (cost of sport) Innovative, creative, and professional products and services
Reviewing our Strategic Plan How does our Plan respond to the 6 megatrends? Are there areas of our Plan which are at odds with the Megatrends? Are all six Megatrends covered in our Plan?