Catalyst Launch An Unfinished Story
Millions $ % GNI Australian Aid Budget Aid plan as % GNI Cuts ($m) Aid
ADVOCACY Millions $ % GNI Australian Aid Budget Cuts ($m) Aid
ADVOCACY Chocolate 2015 Campaign Update
ADVOCACY Cotton Rivers Kathmandu Myer Specialty Fashion Group Coles 2015 Campaign Update
ADVOCACY Fashion 2015 Campaign Update
ADVOCACY Fashion 2015 Campaign Update
ADVOCACY Shine the Light and the G20
ADVOCACY Shine the Light and the G20 Tax Justice is on the national and the global agenda Achieved far more than we thought we would when we began campaigning on this issue 2.5 years ago!
ADVOCACY Child Mortality
ADVOCACY The End of The Story 1. Pick an Issue to focus on. Poverty Slavery and Exploitation Refugees Climate Change
ADVOCACY The End of The Story 2. Talk about all the problems pertaining to that issue. Difficulties in resolving it Problems it causes for those affected
ADVOCACY The End of The Story 3. An Ideal Future Ignore ‘reality’ for a moment, and think about what the ideal resolution of your issue looks like at the international level, national level and local level.
ADVOCACY The End of The Story 4. How do we get there? Pick a time by which you would like to see that achieved. Now, imagine you are at that point and think about the steps that were needed to get there. What were they at a national and local level? What does your community now look like?
We have too much debt to give aid?
ADVOCACY Are we doing it too tough to give aid? Australia still the richest country in the world. Median wealth per adult is $225,000. US Median wealth is $45,000 by comparison. Average wealth is $431,000.
ADVOCACY How do we compare? This year, Oxfam estimate that the richest 1% will have as much wealth as the rest of the world combined. Australia has the highest proportion of people in the top 10% of wealth holders in the world. 6.8% or 1.1 million Australians are millionaires.
ADVOCACY Actions Call your Senators Meet your MPs Promote the Australian Aid Campaign Participate in Online Activities
ADVOCACY Tax Justice
ADVOCACY Corruption – Where’s the money going?
ADVOCACY Aid Vs Corporate Tax Evasion
ADVOCACY Tax Havens Half of world trade passes through tax havens trillion dollars of wealth is held offshore.
ADVOCACY If tax dodging was eliminated, we could: Fund primary education for every child Meet the global targets to: o Reduce child death rates o Improve maternal health o Tackle infectious diseases Invest in food production to end hunger …and still have money left over The cost of tax havens Source: ActionAid, 2013
ADVOCACY Secret accounts Offshore Bank Accounts. Automatic Information Exchange Registry of beneficial ownership
ADVOCACY Country by Country Reporting
ADVOCACY Actions Meet your MPs Get Postcards Signed Consider workshops/interactive activities
ADVOCACY Behind the Barcode Fashion ReportElectronics Report
Un-Just Jeans Just Group still haven’t responded to campaigns Fashion Revolution Day
ADVOCACY Actions Promote the Fashion Report Launch Get Postcards Signed Fashion Swaps
ADVOCACY Chocolate Campaign