Ambition in Action How is assessment validation changing?
Ambition in Action NVR Standards – Training and Assessment Strategies and Assessment materials SNR 15.5 Assessment including Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL): /(a) meets the requirements of the relevant Training Package or VET accredited course; and /(b) is conducted in accordance with the principles of assessment and the rules of evidence; and /(c) meets workplace and, where relevant, regulatory requirements; and /(d) is systematically validated.
Ambition in Action Why are processes changing? /Feedback about current process /too many forms /confusing /questions not thorough enough
Ambition in Action Streamlining /Streamlining / Refining Assessment Validation /less forms
Ambition in Action What is different? /Action plan column /More thorough questions less open to interpretation /Mapping of assessments to units of competency
Ambition in Action What is different – Industry Consultation /“Has industry been consulted in refining this assessment?” /Industry is not expected to validate an assessment the way an assessor would validate and assessment /Separate form 5 questions simple English not VET speak
Ambition in Action NVR Standards – Training and Assessment Strategies and Assessment materials /15.2 Strategies for training and assessment meet the requirements of the relevant Training Package or VET accredited course and have been developed through effective consultation with industry. / /15.3 Staff, facilities, equipment and training and assessment materials used by the NVR registered training organisation are consistent with the requirements of the Training Package or VET accredited course and the NVR registered training organisation’s own training and assessment strategies and are developed through effective consultation with industry.
Ambition in Action How can we consult industry /Many ways? /Existing staff currently employed in industry /Surveys /Direct communication /Industry forums Consultation may have already occurred through development of training and assessment strategy
Ambition in Action Assessment myths /All assessments need to be validated not just high risk assessments /RPL tools need to be validated they are a form or assessment /Industry does not need to sit down and undertake the assessment validation process with us the way we undertake assessment validation – consultation is not vallidation
Ambition in Action Under Review
Ambition in Action The future of assessment /all new training packages assessments work-based or simulated environment /COAG directions external validation
Ambition in Action On the horizon - COAG meeting April 2012 /“independant validation improving the confidence of employers and students in the quality of training courses, by developing and piloting independent validation of training provider assessments and implementing strategies which enable TAFEs to operate effectively in an environment of greater competition.”
Ambition in Action Skills for All Australians Report /Pilots will initially be rolled out in the qualifications identified by industry as being of most concern. Subject to the pilots being successful, a national approach to external validation will be implemented from 2014–15 onwards. It is anticipated that external validation will involve independent industry experts auditing a training provider’s assessment process and, in some cases, validating the competency assessments that have been made for individual students.
Ambition in Action Effective Industry Consultation Who is Industry? /Enterprises /Industry skills councils /Industry associations /Group training organisations /Staff employed by Sydney Institute working regularly in industry with relevant competencies
Ambition in Action Considerations /Consultation with industry is not an option with regards to assessment vaildation “effective consultation with industry” /All assessments in new training package design simulated / in the workplace /Assessment skills and capability – mapping, rpl, /Creating Assessment/RPL Champions/SWAT teams
Ambition in Action Who can assess? /TAEASS401A Plan assessment activities and processes /TAEASS402A Assess competence; /TAEASS404A Participate in assessment validation /(TAA04 Assessment units are equivalent to above) /Plus technical/vocational competencies at least to level being assessed
Ambition in Action Who can assess? OR /Two people can assess one with vocational competencies the other with assessment competencies
Ambition in Action Principles of Assessment /Validity (see types of validity below) /Content = mapping, measures what it is meant to /Face= Would this make sense to industry? /Construct = Only exists as a human construct eg AQF /Flexibility – Reasonable adjustment /Fairness - Removes bias, does not disadvantage a learner /Reliability - Tool yields consistent results
Ambition in Action What is assessment validation? Process where assessors compare and evaluate against the relevant competency standard/s to ensure, validity, reliability, fairness, flexibility and effectiveness of their: /assessment methods /assessment tools /assessment procedures /assessment decisions
Ambition in Action Rules of Evidence /Validity /Currency /Sufficiency /Authenticity