Socio Linguistic Monday Quiz 20/5/ /2/2016 Monday Mid Term 27/5/1437 7/3/2016
Assignment (10) Marks From 1 st Lecture slides- contents At D2L Research in Socio
Chapter 3 P(52-73)
As you studied in Chapter2 There are many reasons for choosing a particular code or variety In multi lingual community? May be the the domain(participants+ setting+ topic) What factors might account for these code choice? - The addressee(listener-) or the age- or to emphasis- or ethnicity- my be mastering a code- feel comfortable when use a code
On language choice faced by some communities.. What are these constraints? What are the potential long term effect of language shift or language death?
What is the real choice of those who speak a language that a few people speak it in a community? Do economic and political factors affect L choices?
Migrant Minorities( الاقليات المهاجرة ( Those who take their mother tongue and go to UK or USA…their kids have gone to English tongue for example foreign school They use English at school and their mother tongue at home. Then gradually they stop using it. Why? Because, the language of wider society dismiss or replace the minority language mother tongue
See how she gradually shift according the wider society language dominant displaced her mother tongue langauge
For communication needs (as kids at school need to interact with teachers and students) Movies in English and all TV Programme Then it become normal for them to use it with brothers and sisters. Then English infiltrate through their family. The pressure from the wider society on Migrants who look and sound differently are threatened from wider society.
People who migrate to monolingual predominate country should shift to English- this seen as a good sign of their successful assimilation إستيعاب as Hindu(Gujerati لغة - جوجوراتيه Vietnamese shift to English ز This needs generations to shift But some time it shift in 2 generations This reflect how people patterns of language change
Some time language shift without migration but, it happens within a community because of Political Economics Social changes These affect linguistic changes As the people who live in a town near Hungary who shift to German (read example (P:54)
Then it followed Austria (speak German) Then the L shift from Hungarian to German why???????? German become the 1 st L Hungarian children banned at school. Farm replaced by industry… job needs German German extended Then at schools, transactions L-economic- advancement.
It express social differences. A)-Hangarian become L at homes for solidarity and affective function It is a language of Peasants and elders Old fashion Used when speaking with god during prayers or in church B) German become H Know G. linked with social and economic progress
As said previously, shift caused by political factors and economic factors(need job). People may change location and language for economic(as Irish and Scottish )went to England. In order to get job and success ad social being and to make friends they need to master English. Alsoooo, When majority group move physically
When invaders invades other country they imposed their L with their rule Some countries see this normal as India and New Guinea, become multilingual communities It was seen normal when H language replaced the indigenous languages(not subjugation. When multilingual language spread or where indigenous language is used before invaders arrived…here it will be threatened. Read example3 P:57
When a group supported by political power institutions they can they insert their language in government administrations, courts, edu., religion Then Minor group language pressed by this powered group/ See People of Maori موري 16 th C move from mono( has their own language beside English) become bilingual Towards 20 th C they shift to mono in English
Another example P 57 are American Indian in USA lost their Lover 4-5 generations of colonizers’ economic and political power People swap by the L of dominant group. The group decrease by war and diseases The Diglossia disappear(as in Africa- Asia) They shift to colonizers’ language Their languages died. Shift always happens toward powerfull group L
1. prestige 2. social success Formal speech in ceremonial occasions On TV and radio Minority Younger see it is adv. And forget their own language
Death of L occur after the death of people through disease introduce by European or exterminate ابادة massacre مذبحة Then their indigenous language died with them. They disappear under threat. But, Death happened without threatened as: Turkish shift to English voluntary in individual concerned
If disappear happened by massacre here it is death It is shift to another L The function of these L taken by another (shift) Read example 4(P: 58)
Economic Social Political Factors
Economic Seen as an important factor for shift to learn a second L. They learn it to get good or better jobs Then bilingual occurs Bilingual is necessary cause for L shift But in Diglosia countries is not always cause of shift. Economic
Why? They think it doesn’t offer advantage to their children They don’t realize that it is in danger of disappearing. So, if there is no clear active maintenance …shift will sure happen. If L speakers moved to dominant H countries will sure lose their ethnic language. It is better to learn the minority language in order to get economic and social success, why
Learning minority L seems to safe it, bcz we all speak it. Without this it will be died. Individual’s Economic and social goals in a community are very important in following the speed of shift. When Rapid shift occurs? When people go madly to develop their 2 nd language in a society where the knowledge is wanted to success.
Young mobile people are shift fatest. It happened through women and men depend on where the job are found. They say women always lead the shift.(as women in Oberwart shift to German H language. Because they get the advantage of the new jobs offered by industrial changes. But the immigrant who moved with their husband to New Zealand has less edu. Than their husband Stay at home at first level. speaking minority language
Is also cause L shift L live long in rural areas than Urban Bcoz, rural are isolated from center political power They fulfill their social needs thro minority or ethnic L Before TV in some areas English only taught at school But later isolated areas change thro’ building roads. Tv at home bus service(as Maori)New zealand (example5 P:61