South Island Secondary Schools SPORT CONFERENCE 2015
Sport Coordinators Thank-you Thank-you Thank-you
Sport Coordinators
Participant- focused
Young People Local Delivery
Young People - Participation Our participation rates are falling The issue of falling participation rates is not unique to New Zealand A lack of physical activity is 1 of the 10 leading risk factors for global mortality and is on the rise in many countries Falling participation rates can be attributed to many factors Young Women’s Engagement in Sport 2011 Lack of choice Overly competitive environments Lack of confidence Body Image Boys Sport is under-valued Influence of friends and family Lack of time
Young People - Challenges Early specialisation Winning focus Provision is (frequently) not about the young person and their needs/wants Plenty of competition for young persons time/resources Pressure on teachers (sport coordinators) Losing integrity in some areas Pressure on the good kids
Young People We intend to overcome the challenges to participation so all young people regardless of gender, ethnicity, ability or socio economic background can enjoy being active and develop that lifelong love of being physically active. Physical Literacy Approach Community Sport Strategy Local Delivery Approach Young People Plan Talent Plan Other People Plans Coaching Workforce Spaces - Places Org Capability Insights Approach Active Rec Approach
Young People Plan Quality Experiences Quality Support Quality Opportunities
Young Person Plan - Released December plus Physical Literacy Approach and Talent Plan
Expect More leadership from Sport NZ Build the system …. critical in this will be PEOPLE involved in providing secondary school sport … i.e. YOU Look to sustain participation but much greater focus on meeting the needs of those who are participating less or not HIGHMEDIUMLOW Sustain Focus Asian kids Pacifica kids All Girls Boys and Girls age Lower socio-economic Urban kids