Info-Tech Research Group1 Info-Tech Research Group, Inc. Is a global leader in providing IT research and advice. Info-Tech’s products and services combine actionable insight and relevant advice with ready-to-use tools and templates that cover the full spectrum of IT concerns. © Info-Tech Research Group Inc. IT Organizational Design Aligning the IT organization structure to the business strategy.
Info-Tech Research Group2 Introduction Create business synergies with an adaptive IT organizational structure. Determine capabilities needed within the IT organization to address the business strategy. Create an organizational structure to align the objectives of the business and IT. Develop a transition plan to implement the organizational structure changes. This Workshop Will Help You: COBIT Driven Grounded in open international standards. Research Process Team with over 30 years experience. Over 2,800 hours of research. Based on primary and in-field research.
Info-Tech Research Group3 Introduction In ScopeOut of Scope Assessment of IT capabilities required. IT governance and strategy. Analysis of required competencies. Analysis of the competencies of staff. Creation of an organizational chart to two levels below the IT leader, including roles. Definition of the organization at the line level. High-level changes in staffing; for example, changing roles and new roles. Determining the number of positions/jobs and assigning staff. Transition strategy and plan. Developing a detailed implementation plan.
Info-Tech Research Group4 Introduction Besides “current organization design is not working” there are many other good reasons to redesign your organization…and some bad ones. Strategic shifts Redefinition of work Cultural/political change Staffing/resource changes Emergence of disruptive technologies Merger/acquisition/divestiture Enterprise cost reduction Regulatory compliance New leader – personal stamp Dealing with poor performers Retaining a top performer Good ReasonsBad Reasons
Info-Tech Research Group5 Deliverables Change Leader Action Plan Transition Plan Target IT Organizational Chart IT Capabilities Map Final Deliverables Strategic goals Design principles & criteria Roles IT design outline Competencies Change gap Change readiness Leadership readiness Stakeholder engagement strategy IT capabilitiesIT objectives Transition strategy Success metrics Activities
Info-Tech Research Group6 Agenda ScheduleNameGoalDeliverables Module 1: Conduct a Current State Assessment 1.1 Set Expectations Agree on the expected outcomes of the IT organizational redesign initiative. IT Capability Map 1.2 Describe the Context for the IT Organizational Structure Discuss and document the strategic goals and IT goals. Agree on the value discipline. 1.3 Identify the Required IT Capabilities Agree on the importance of capabilities for the future state IT organization. 1.4 Create the Organizational Design Assessment Framework Develop a means to evaluate the target IT organizational design. Module 2: Create an Outline of the Target IT Organization 2.1. Define the Work Units Understand the pros and cons of organizational design archetypes. Create organizational work units. Target IT Design Outline 2.2 Create an Organizational Design Outline Create and assess a sketch of the target IT organization.
Info-Tech Research Group7 Agenda ScheduleNameGoalDeliverables Module 3: Design the Target IT Organizational Structure 3.1 Define Key Roles Add detail to the target IT organization by defining key roles and competencies. Target IT Organizational Chart 3.3 Create an Organizational Chart Create the target IT organizational chart and assess it using the organizational design assessment framework. Module 4: Plan the Transition 4.1 Perform an Organizational Gap Analysis Identify the key changes in the target organization as it compares with the old organization. Transition Strategy & Plan 4.2 Determine the Organization’s Readiness for Change Evaluate the IT organization’s change history and current readiness for IT organizational structure change. 4.3 Create a Transition Plan Create a transition plan that considers overall risk. Module 5: Create the Change Leader Action Plan 5.1 Create the Change Leader Action Plan Understand the importance of the Change Leader in driving the organizational change. Develop a timeline of actions for the Change Leader throughout the transition. Change Leader Action Plan
Info-Tech Research Group8 Exercises Module 1Module 2Module 3Module 4Module 5 1.SWOT analysis 2.Review CIO Business Vision results 3.Review IT Organizational Structure Effectiveness Assessment results 4.Describe the objectives of your IT org. design initiative 5.Document the strategic business goals and IT goals 6.Determine your organization’s value discipline 7.Define the required IT capabilities 8.Create the organizational design assessment framework 1.Group capabilities into work units 2.Identify advantages and disadvantages of design archetypes 3.Arrange work units into work groups 4.Define the work to be done 5.Evaluate the design outline 1.Create key roles for each work unit 2.Assign competencies and level of competence to each key role 3.Create jobs from roles 4.Estimate the span of control in the target IT organization 5.Create the organizational chart 6.Evaluate the organizational structure 1.Document organizational structure changes 2.Assess the level of change to the IT organization 3.Assess change capability 4.Identify your approach to change 5.Prepare a risk mitigation plan for your organizational change 6.Document the transition strategy 7.Document the transition plan 1.Create the change vision 2.Conduct stakeholder analysis & mapping 3.Create the Change Leader Action Plan 4.Assess the readiness of leadership to implement this change