THINK IT. The real world problem I wish to solve is not a major problem, but it is a small problem. You know when you accidently knock over the snack you were going to eat? And how It is such a hassle to then start picking up the mess, it gets everywhere and if you ask me, that’s a bit irritating. So I hope that through out this presentation you will see how I think my invention would and could be a great use for future use.
THINK IT. A few companies over the years have looked into this problem and have tried to come up with an invention they think would work. For example there has been the Gyro Bowl, Snackeez, Hutzler Snack Attack, and many more. I have viewed the commercials for these snack products, mostly all of them say “un-breakable, spill proof, impact resistance, etc. I’ve research the material sometimes used in these other inventions. Tupperware, for instance. Is a sturdy material used in containers, food storages, etc. It is a strong material created back in 1946 by Earl Tupper. Tupperware was made to create non-breakable cups, plates, bowls, and containers.
HOW TO BUILD THE SNACK CONTAINER: Take the lid of the container and place it tightly around the container. Grab the two hair bands and place them on the folds of the lid. Make sure the lid is closed tightly, as well as the little opening at the top.
TRY IT. (TESTS RESULTS.) My diagram (shown in the previous slides) demonstrates how I believe my invention is to be the next useful thing. Testing it’s functions will define if it really works. A way to test it would be to fill it with any kind of snack, after closing the protective lid. I place it on the dinning table and purposely knock it over. The material is made of a durable plastic, so it wont shatter into pieces like glass containers do when accidently knocked over. I checked around the container to see if there was any damage done to it, everything was perfectly fine. The snack contained itself in my invention. No food was spilled. (I put in grapes.) It was a success!
TWEAK IT.(PROTOTYPE.): Strong bands to hold the folds of the lid. Tighter seal around the edge of the container to create maximum protection from impact. Perhaps a slightly larger container to hold even more of your snack.
SUPER PACK! I have decided to call my invention the Super Pack since it’s virtually sustainable to any impact, my invention would be useful since no one likes to be clumsy enough to knock over their food and make a mess. The Super Pack will prevent that from ever happening again! It’s strong material makes it virtually indestructible. It’s tight sealed bands prevent the top lid from falling apart and spilling the food. If you in distress and are in need of something to fix this problem then I suggest using the Super Pack!