The Impact of a Fog Machine on Air Quality By: Taylor Creasy, and Madison Davis Whitefish High School Todd Spangler
Our Research Question Do fog machines increase the PM 2.5 levels, and if so, are there any health risks?
Materials ●Fog Machine ●Extension Cords ●DustTrak ●Unventilated Room
Background Information: Part One ●What is the reason for your interest in this area? Our reason for the fog machine analysis is to see if there are any health concerns to the ‘smoke’. ●What is meant by PM 2.5? It is meant by Particulate Matter that is 2.5 micrometers or smaller. ●What is in the air that causes PM 2.5? What are the sources of PM 2.5? Particulates in the air come from wood stoves, cars, and industrial companies. In those examples would be, sulfates, nitrates, organic compounds, trace elements of metal, and elemental carbons.
Background Information: Part Two ●Describe the size of a PM 2.5 particle. Compare it to something in our world. The comparison to the size 2.5 particle would be the human hair 1/20 of it’s size. ●What is the EPA limit for PM 2.5? The standard EPA limit for PM 2.5 is 0.035/mg/m3 in a 24 hour period, outside. ●What are the health concerns related to PM 2.5? Health concerns that are related to PM 2.5 would be asthma, reduced lung growth rate, and pre-existing heart and lung problems. ●What percent of time do we spend indoors? On average we spend roughly 80% of time indoors.
Background Information: What is in Fog Solution? ●mixtures of water and polyfunctional alcohols including: o ethylene glycol (toxic if ingested) no longer used contains teratogen o diethylene glycol (toxic if ingested) o propylene glycol o triethylene glycol o polyethylene glycol o glycerin
Background Information: The Dangers of Glycol and Glycerine ●There are no major health concerns ●Extended exposure can cause respiratory irritation ●Can be dangerous for asthmatics and the elderly
Hypothesis If a fog machine is turned on in a sealed room with no air flow, then the PM 2.5 levels will increase because the fog machine fluid (a water and glycol-based or glycerine-based fluid) is being vaporized to create ‘fog’.
Room Set Up ●Rooms dimensions ●Fog Machine was placed in the center of the room o Blue Circle ●DustTrak was placed on a stool three feet from the wall
A Diagram of the Room DustTrak Couch Door Outside Door to House Fog Machine Coffee Table
Method 1.Got a baseline for the test room 2.Turned on the fog machine a. Let it warm up for ten minutes 3.Introduced fog to the room 4.Allowed fog to sit in room for an additional hour
Results: Part One ●Test was run March 8, 2015 ○Start Time:3:56 pm ○End Time: 6:22 ●PM 2.5 levels ○Minimum:.027 mg/m³ ○Maximum: mg/m³ ○Average: mg/m³
Results: Part Two
Discussion ●Fog Machine did increase Pm 2.5 levels ●No serious health concerns associated with synthetic fog
Conclusions The amount PM 2.5 drastically increased when a fog machine was introduced, and although the components of fog solution are not dangerous they can make breathing difficult, be harmful to asthmatics and the elderly. Fog machines and should be used in well ventilated areas to avoid possible long-term side effects.
Improvements ●Introduce a smaller amount of fog ●Repeat test in a room with ventilation ●Take more picture
References Taylor & Francis. "Exposures to Atmospheric Effects in the Entertainment Industry." Taylor & Francis. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 May Varughese, Sunil. "Effects of Theatrical Smokes and Fogs on Respiratory Health in the Entertainment Industry." Effects of Theatrical Smokes and Fogs on Respiratory Health in the Entertainment Industry. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 May "A-Z Index." ATSDR. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 May McCann, Michael. "Smoke and Fog Hazards." Smoke and Fog Hazards. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 May 2015.
A big thanks to: Tony Ward Todd Spangler Lisa Bloom