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6-4 Areas of Other Figures
Video Tutor Help Irregular shape area Circumference of a circle Brain Pop Area of polygons Finding the area of trapezoidsFinding the area of trapezoids (6-4) Finding the area of irregular figures (6-4)Finding the area of irregular figures Area of a Trapezoid Area of a Complex Figure Khan Academy
Video Tutor Help Finding the measure of an angle Finding the area of parallelograms Finding the area of triangles Finding the area of trapezoids Finding circumference Finding the area of circles
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Additional Lesson Examples Step-by-Step Examples Lesson 6-4
Lesson Readiness Lesson Quiz Problem of the Day Lesson 6-4
Example 5-3a Find the area of the trapezoid. Area of a trapezoid The height is 6 meters. The bases aremeters and meters. Replace h with 6 and a with and b with. Find Area of a Trapezoid
Example 5-3a Divide out the common factors. Simplify. Answer: The area of the trapezoid is square meters.
Find the perimeter of the triangle. LESSON 6-4 Perimeter and Area of a Triangle Add the lengths of the legs = 31 ft The perimeter is 31 ft Additional Examples
Example 8-1a Find the area of the figure to the nearest tenth. Explore You know the dimensions of the figure. You need to find its area. Plan Solve a simpler problem. First, separate the figure into a triangle, square, and a quarter-circle. Then find the sum of the areas of the figure. Find Area of Irregular Figures
Example 8-1a Find the area of the figure to the nearest tenth. Solve Area of Triangle Area of a triangle Replace b with 2 and h with 4. Simplify.
Example 8-1a Find the area of the figure to the nearest tenth. Solve Area of Square Area of a square Replace b and h with 2. Simplify.
Example 8-1a Find the area of the figure to the nearest tenth. Solve Area of Quarter-circle Area of a quarter-circle Replace r with 2. Simplify. Answer: The area of the figure is or about 11.1 square inches.
Example 3-1a Find the area of the complex figure. The figure can be separated into a rectangle and two congruent triangles. Find the Area of a Complex Figure
Example 3-1b Area of rectangle Area of one triangle 5 Answer: The area of the figure is square inches.
Example 3-1c Find the area of the complex figure. Answer:
Example 3-2a Find the area of the complex figure. Round to the nearest tenth. The figure can be separated into two semicircles and a rectangle. Find the Area of a Complex Figure
Example 3-2b Area of one semicircle Area of rectangle Answer: The area of the figure is about square centimeters.
Example 3-2c Find the area of the complex figure. Round to the nearest tenth. Answer:
A school is creating a triangular playground. Find the area of the playground if the base is 80 yd and the height is 40 yd. The area is 1,600 yd 2. LESSON 6-4 = 1,600 Simplify. = (80)(40) Substitute A = bh Use the area formula Perimeter and Area of a Triangle Additional Examples