JUDICIAL BRANCH By: Nicholas Oelke, Lakin Hall, Aca Jordan, and Joshua Lantzsch
START OF THE BRANCH In 1787, the Judicial Branch was established by the constitution. The Judicial Branch was made up of the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court had 6 judges until 1930 when they decided to add three judges. Nowadays, the Supreme Court is made up of 8 associates and 1 chief justice. On October 13,1932, Chief Justice Evan Hughes laid the cornerstone for the new supreme court building which cost just under 9,740,000$.
JUDICIAL BRANCH’S POWERS Article 3 of the constitution says that they shall be one court. Art3.Sec2.Prgh1.-Judicial Powers shall extend to all case under the constitution.(laws of US, Treaties, Ambassadors, Public Ministers, Consuls, between 2 states, between states and a citizen.) Art3.Sec2.Prgh2.-The Supreme Court has original jurisdiction on all cases under congress’s regulations Art3.Sec2.Prgh3-They have all trials of crime, except in impeachment. Art3.Sec3.Prgh1.-In charge of all Treason cases.(levying war, adhering enemies, giving them aid and comfort.)
CHECKS AND BALANCES The Judicial Branch includes criminal and civil courts, and interprets the U.S. Constitution. They determine whether the constitution allows certain laws to be passed by congress. They can say a law is “unconstitutional”
JUDICIAL WORKERS They have more than 475 employees in the Supreme Court Building. That includes: Principal Officers(appointed by the court), Clerks, the Reporter of Decisions, the Librarian, the Marshal, 29 staff members, and 153 police officers.
LARGEST CASES IN SUPREME COURT HISTORY Dred Scott v. Sandford, 1857 (7-2 decision) Plessy v. Ferguson, 1896 (7-1 decision) Brown v. Board of Education, 1954 (9-0 decision) Roe v. Wade, 1973 (7-2 decision) United States v. Nixon, 1974 (8-0 decision) Plessy v. Ferguson, 1896 (7-1 decision)
LIST OF CURRENT JUDGES AND CASES Justices; Clarence Thomas, John G. Roberts, Anthony M. Kennedy, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sonia Sotomayor, Stephen Breyer, Samuel A. Alito, Elena Kagan Cases; Whole Women Health, Claim a Texas Law enacted in 2013, Abortion Services closer.