Dental Anatomy & Occlusion Dent 202 TOOTH IDENTIFICATION Dental Anatomy & Occlusion Dent 202
Sequence of identification Set Deciduous Permanent Class Incisor Canine Premolar Molar
Sequence of Identification Arch Maxillary Mandibular Type Posterior teeth: 1st, 2nd or 3rd Incisors: central or lateral Side Right Left
Set Traits Size Dimensions Colour Cervical ridges Cervical constriction Buccal Cervical Ridges on D. molars Root morphology Slender, flared & bowed with little root trunk in deciduous molars
Class Traits-incisors Incisal 2/3 flattened MD & compressed LL Long horizontal MD biting edge 2 or more mamelons Marginal ridges parallel to long axis
Class Traits-canines Longest & thickest roots LL Single conical pointed cusp Only cusped teeth without occlusal surface
Class Traits-Premolars At least 2 cusps Single buccal cusp with one or more lingual cusps Molars must have at least 2 buccal cusps
Class Traits-Molars 3 or more cusps At least 2 buccal cusps One or more lingual cusps In general 2 or 3 roots
Arch Traits-Incisors Crown Root Wider MD height vs. width MD vs. LL dimensions Root Root shape in x-section
Arch Traits-Canine Crown Root Size Amount of flaring of proximal outlines Height vs. width of the crown LL incisal edge location Root Length LL dimension vs. MD
Arch Traits-premolars Amount of similarity between 1st & 2nd Amount of similarity in size and height between cusps BL vs. MD dimension Lingual inclination of the crown Lingual HOC location
Arch Traits-molars Number of roots Crown BL vs. MD dimension Occlusal aspect Shape Angles Cusp arrangement & variance in size Oblique ridge
Type traits-maxillary incisors Size Crown Height vs. MD width Roundedness of angles MD vs. LL dimension Prominence of cingulum Depth of L. fossa Developmental pit/groove Root Shape of x-section
Type traits-mandibular incisors Equality in size (arch trait) Incisal edge inclination Symmetry Roundedness of angles
Type traits-maxillary premolars Proximal aspects Height of the cusps Mesial marginal groove Canine (inter-radicular) fossa Number of roots? Buccal aspect Bulging proximal outlines Occlusal aspect Occlusal table area Sharpness of angles Convergence of proximal outlines Lingual cusp twisting Developmental/supplemental grooves
Type traits-mandibular premolars Proximal aspects Amount of lingual tilting of Occlusal plane Cusp height/size difference ML groove Lingual aspect Amount of B profile visible Occlusal aspect Diamond vs. square Proximal profile convergence lingually M MR vs. D MR height and length D. groove pattern/ central pit
Type traits-maxillary molars Crown Size Degree Morphological variation DL cusp size Cusp of Carabelli? Mesial MR tubercles Rhomboid outline & angles Supplementary grooves Root Distal inclination Flaring Fusion length
Type traits-mandibular molars Crown Size MD width Number of cusp Pit/groove pattern Supplementary grooves Occlusal view shape Lingual convergence of proximal surfaces Roots Distal inclination Flaring Fusion Length
Right or Left? The 5 surfaces should have been identified Usually facial & lingual surfaces are easily identifiable M & D are a bit more difficult to identify Detailed knowledge of anatomy of each tooth is required
Right or Left? Maxillary incisors Mandibular incisors MI & DI angles M & D outlines & contact area Mandibular incisors Incisal edge inclination in lateral
Right or Left? Canines M & D sloping cusp ridges M & D outlines & contact area
Right or Left? Maxillary premolars M & D sloping cusp ridges M & D outlines & contact area Height & length of MRs In max. 1st premolar Canine fossa M MR groove Mesial twist of lingual cusp
Right or Left? Mandibular premolars M & D sloping cusp ridges M & D outlines & contact area Height & length of MRs In mand. 1st premolar ML groove In mand 2nd premolar Size difference of lingual cusps (when 2 lingual cusps)
Right or Left? Maxillary molars Size difference of cusps Oblique ridge Acute vs. obtuse angles M & D outlines & contact area Height & length of MRs Root Inclination MB vs. DB root morphology In max. 1st molar Cusp of Carabelli
Right or Left? Mandibular molars M & D outlines & contact area Height & length of MRs Root Inclination M vs. D root morphology In mand. 1st molar The distal cusp 2 B grooves M marginal groove
Sequence of identification-example Identify 21 Set: Permanent Class: Incisor Arch: Maxillary Type: Central Side: Left