Software-Projekt 2008 Seminarvortrag“Short tutorial of MySql“ Wei Chen Verena Honsel
What is MySQL ? MySQL = my Structured Query Language A relational database management system Open source software Basis for many dynamic websites Storage engines
How to install MySQL? Download: The MySQL official website essential win32.msi And the MYSQL GUI-TOOLS will be also needed gui-tools-5.0-r13-win32.msi
Install MySQL Server Double click The installation file as a.msi file.Then on the window click “Next>”.
Install MySQL Server The next window: click the radio button "Custom", and then click "Next>" you can change the destinition folder or do nothing just “Next>”.
Install MySQL Server then click the "change" button and choose another folder.
Install MySQL Server Now MySQL Server is ready to install,click “install”.
Install MySQL Server Leave the check box "Configure the MySQL Server Now" checked, and click “Finish”. On the next window, click the radio button "Standard Configuration", and then click "Next>".
Install MySQL Server On the next window make sure "Install As Windows Service" and "Launch the MySQL Server Automatically" check boxes are checked. Click "Next>".
Install MySQL Server On the next window need to create a root password. Type in what you want your root password be and make sure "Enable root access from remote machines" is checked.
Install MySQL Server On the next window, after you have clicked "Execute". This will start the MySQL server. After MySQL has done its thing, click "Finish". MySQL was in fact installed sucessfully ? click "Start">"All Programs">"MySQL">"MySQL Server 5.0">"MySQL Command line client". Enter your root password and you ´ve connected Server.
MySQL Commands a command-line client tool that is installed as standard with the MySQL package. From the mysql command- prompt it is possible to issue a wide range of commands to the database server such as creating and deleting databases and tables, searching for data, adding new rows and much more.
MySQL Commands For a list of these commands, type help or \h at the mysql> prompt. clear (\c) Clear command. Clears the current input. Use this if you change your mind about executing the statement that you are entering. connect [db_name host_name]], \r [db_name host_name]] Reconnects to the server. The optional database name and hostname arguments may be given to specify the default database or the host where the server is running.
MySQL Commands use db_name, \u db_name Uses db_name as the default database. show databases This command id used to list all databases on the sql server. Syntax: show databases; show tables This command is see all the tables in the database. exit, \q Exits mysql. go, \g Sends the current statement to the server to be executed.
MySQL Commands How to create database, and new users: mysql> create database database01; -> created a new blank database and folder in the mysql \ data mysql> use database01; ->open the database mysql> show tables; -> lists the tables on this database
Install MySQL Server mysql> create table table01 (field01 integer, field02 char(10)); -> Sets empty table with Columns field01 in which numbers are available and may field02 in strings of up to 10 characters are allowed. mysql> show columns from table01; -> delivers the columns from table01 mysql> insert into table01 (field01, field02) values (1, 'first'); -> Inserts into the table table01 the values 1 (in column field01) and 'first' (in column field02)
Install MySQL Server mysql> select * from table01; Create Columns: mysql> alter table table01 add column field03 date, add column field04 time; -> Adds to the table table01 columns field04 (only records the data type date allowed) and field05 (only records the data type of time allowed) mysql> insert into table01 (field01,field02,field03,field04) values (2, 'second', ' ', '10:30:00');
Install MySQL Server Create new user: mysql> create user user01 [identified by password]; -> create new user user01 (with optional password) First, no privileges mysql> drop user user01; -> delete user01 Rights award (Rechtevergabe) mysql> GRANT select, insert ON table01 TO user01 WITH GRANT OPTION; allows user01 to retrieve data from table table01 and add items.
Install MySQL Server -> Using the additional 'WITH GRANT OPTION‘ user01 will be allowed himself to forgive Rights / withdraw. mysql> REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES, GRANT OPTION FROM user01; -> Cut user01 any rights
Install MySQL GUI TOOLS The Same to Install for MySQL Server It was finished too.
How to use MySQL MySQL Administrator: keep the MySQL Server running,then start MySQL Administrator, it displays a connection dialog box. To connect to a newly installed server, you need the host ‘localhost’, the user ‘root’ and the password that you sent during installation.
How to use MySQL After you have successfully connected to your MySQL server, the main window of MySQL Administrator appears. The sidebar consists of the following options…
How to use MySQL For us 3 options are more important: 1.Server Information: It is about the MySQL server you are connected to, about MySQL Administrator and the machine that it runs on, and about your connection.
How to use MySQL 2. User Administration : the next importants point is User Administration, how to administer existing users: Right clicking on a username, or on one of the subcategories a user might have. - add new users - delete existing users.
How to use MySQL 2. User Administration : You will have to fill a username password in the User Information tab, which, after applying this change. You can also give some information in the Additional Information tab.
How to use MySQL 3. Catalogs : We selected catalogs Existing catalogs and schemata are listed in the lower left area of the sidebar. You can also create a new database. right-click the "mysql", select "Create New Schema”
How to use MySQL 3. Catalogs : enter the name of the database, here Vorlesung ws08.a new datebase has been created.
How to use MySQL 3. Catalogs : "Create Table" button, then the following dialog box will appear. and give a name for the table"Pflichtsfach", then we can add attributs,id field for the primary key is necessary, for another as you will. Click "Apply Changes" button will appear below the window,it is a table to create the SQL statement.Click "Execute"
How to use MySQL MySQL Query Browser: Now we can add data to our database Vorlesung ws08,open the MySQL Query Browser, then log on the server. MySQL Query Browser displays a window that you can use for issuing queries.
How to use MySQL MySQL Query Browser You can see 3 parts: -The top part of the window contains an area for entering queries. -At the lower left, a result area displays results from queries. -At the right, there are two browser areas.
How to use MySQL MySQL Query Browser Double-clicking Vorlesung ws08 selects it as the default database. Double-clicking a table name enters a SELECT * FROM Pflichtsfach statement in the query area. you can also use sql commands to change the table or add new tables in the query area.
SQL Commands Introduce to the SQL Commands with MySQL Query Browser. Practicaly using: Explains and example 1. The SQL syntax for CREATE TABLE is CREATE TABLE "table_name“ ("column 1" "data_type_for_column_1", "column 2" "data_type_for_column_2",... ) 2. Data tables have no sense. That is why we want with the command INSERT INTO A few paste data. The syntax is: INSERT INTO table_name [ (feld_name,...) ] VALUES (werte,...) 3. The SQL SELECT clause selects data from one or more database tables and/or views. SELECT * FROM table,(example to MySQL QB..SELECT name FROM pflichtsfach p;)
SQL Commands SELECT zeit FROM pflichtsfach p where p.ort = "F-128" order by p.zeit -where : we might want to conditionally select the data from a table -order by: defines in what order to return a data set retrieved with a SQL SELECT statement. 4. DELETE FROM: is used to delete data from a database table. Syntax: DELETE FROM table_name [WHERE where_definition] example: delete from pflichtsfach where zeit >" " 5. UPDATE: serves to update data in database table. Syntax: UPDATE "table_name“ SET "column_1" = [new value] WHERE {condition} example: update pflichtsfach set zeit = " " where name = "Numerik"
SQL Commands 6. DROP TABLE: to drop the table called Nebenfach 7. ALTER TABLE here are many occasions where one may wish to change the structure of the table. Typical cases include the following: - Add a column - Drop a column - Change a column name - Change the data type for a column example : ALTER table Pflichtsfach add klausur char(40) or we want to rename "name" to "vname": ALTER table Pflichtsfach change name vname char(40)