Rename Fractions as Decimals SWBAT express fractions and mixed numbers as decimals
Rename fractions as decimals How many squares are in the chart? How would you divide them evenly 4 ways? Shade ¾ of the boxes? How many boxes are shaded? If the all the boxes together represent 1 whole, how much is shaded in decimal form? What do I when I divide 3 by 4?
To rename a fraction as a decimal Separate the mixed number into a whole number and a fraction The whole number goes in the ones spot Divide the numerator by the denominator, this goes on the decimal side
Examples 7 4/5 15 ½ 28 3/5 12 5/8 7 3/100 3/20
Try These 9 4/1000 – /5 – ¾ – /20 –44.55