IMDB Template File Save as: IMDB_period_Lastname Partner #1 name Partner #2 name Go to and generate 10 random numbers from 1 to 250. Use the snipping tool. Take a screen shot of the 10 numbers on the website and paste it here. Record the numbers here.
Go to the top 250 and collect the following information for each of your 10 random numbers. Rank (this is the number from Title Year of release Ratings Number of users Number of critics Metascore Run time Aspect ratio One trivia fact
Create a table with your data here Rank Title RatingUsersCriticsMetascore
Rename this slide RankTitleYear Runtime Aspect Ratio One trivia fact
Rename this slide Fathom 2 Create a box and whisker plot for rankings. Place a copy here and report the five number summary.
Rename this slide Fathom 2 Create a histogram of users and place it here
Rename this slide Fathom 2 Create a dot plot with users as the x variable and critics as the y variable Insert a least squares line Place the dot plot here Report the r 2 value
Rename this slide Fathom 2 Create a dot plot with ratings as the x variable and metascore as the y variable Insert a least squares line Place the dot plot here Report the r 2 value