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Presentation transcript:


Magda Kopczynska, Head of Unit Clean Transport and UrbanTransport, DG TREN 2 Why is action necessary? Urban areas are home to 72% of the European population, cover 4% of the EU’s territory and are the origin of 85% of the EU’s GDP Efficient transport is vital for economic growth and employment in urban areas Urban areas face particular challenges in making transport sustainable Urban mobility is of growing concern to citizens Urban mobility is a central component of long-distance transport

Magda Kopczynska, Head of Unit Clean Transport and UrbanTransport, DG TREN 3 Role of the EU Urban transport is integral part of Common Transport Policy (EC Treaty Art ) EU policy objectives are achievable only by including urban mobility Replication of EU funded projects optimises use of Community funds and helps local policy Single Market is supported by compatible rules, schemes and technologies

Magda Kopczynska, Head of Unit Clean Transport and UrbanTransport, DG TREN 4 European Urban Transport Policy 1998: Citizens‘ network ► European public transport information system ELTIS 2001: 2 nd White Paper on European Transport Policy ► Importance of cities for key EU policies 2002: CIVITAS programme ► Integrated policy and technical measures (58 cities by now) 2006: Mid-term review of White Paper ► Announced: Green Paper on Urban Mobility

Magda Kopczynska, Head of Unit Clean Transport and UrbanTransport, DG TREN 5 The Green Paper - a sound basis Green Paper ‘Towards a new culture for urban mobility’, adopted on 25 September 2007 The consultation and debate that followed the Green Paper clarified the added value of action at EU level Twenty actions, centred around six themes that respond to the main messages from the Green Paper consultation

Magda Kopczynska, Head of Unit Clean Transport and UrbanTransport, DG TREN 6 Fully respecting competences Urban areas are diverse, face different challenges and have different needs. They are best placed to define and implement urban mobility policies. The Commission has no intention to prescribe one-size-fits all or top down solutions, but it can support, enable and encourage. Much is to be gained from working together!

Magda Kopczynska, Head of Unit Clean Transport and UrbanTransport, DG TREN 7 6 themes of the Action Plan Promoting integrated policies Focusing on citizens Greening urban transport Strengthening funding Sharing experience and knowledge Optimising urban mobility

Magda Kopczynska, Head of Unit Clean Transport and UrbanTransport, DG TREN 8 What is in it for you? Accelerate the take up of sustainable urban mobility plans (A1) ► Information, best practice exchange, training, promotion ► Longer term: incentives? recommendations? Passenger rights in urban public transport (A4) ► Dialogue leading to voluntary commitments on quality indicators, complaint procedures, reporting, … Improve accessibility of urban transport (A5) ► Include urban mobility in EU disability strategy

Magda Kopczynska, Head of Unit Clean Transport and UrbanTransport, DG TREN 9 What is in it for you? Improve travel information (A6) ► Links between travel planners ► Ultimate aim: single travel information portal Campaigns on sustainable mobility behaviour (A8) ► Maintain support, including for European Mobility Week

Magda Kopczynska, Head of Unit Clean Transport and UrbanTransport, DG TREN 10 What is in it for you? Research and demonstration for lower and zero emission vehicles (A10) Internet-guide on clean vehicles (A11) ► Information on vehicles, facilitation of joint procurement Intelligent transport systems (ITS) (A20) ► Information on ITS applications for urban mobility

Magda Kopczynska, Head of Unit Clean Transport and UrbanTransport, DG TREN 11 What is in it for you? Optimise existing funding sources (A14) ► Structural and Cohesion Funds, EIB ► STEER, URBACT, ICT policy support programme Analyse needs for future funding (A15) ► Continue CIVITAS, define CIVITAS FUTURA ► As part of reflection on next multi-annual financial framework: identify funding needs

Magda Kopczynska, Head of Unit Clean Transport and UrbanTransport, DG TREN 12 Next steps Communication on the Future of Transport June 2009 – consultations and conference 20 November 2009 White Paper on Transport – to be adopted early 2011 Decarbonisation of Transport by 2050 – a strategy for new Commission

13 Next steps The Action Plan is relevant to citizens, cities and regions, and the EU as a whole All actions will be launched over the next four years with a review in 2012 More information: