Module 1 - Violence Against Children Training of Trainers - Improving the holistic protection of children at risk of violence 1 Phase Building a common understanding
Children Training of Trainers - Improving the holistic protection of children at risk of violence 2 Phase Module 1 : VIOLENCE AGAINST CHILDREN Definition of a child ? What are the main points everybody should know about child development? (small group discussion)
Influences on child development Training of Trainers - Improving the holistic protection of children at risk of violence 3 Phase Module 1 : VIOLENCE AGAINST CHILDREN Participants reflect on their own childhood by constructing their childhood timeline
What do children need to develop ? Training of Trainers - Improving the holistic protection of children at risk of violence 4 Phase Module 1 : VIOLENCE AGAINST CHILDREN Small groups drawings
Please define violence against children in less than 15 words Training of Trainers - Improving the holistic protection of children at risk of violence 5 Phase Module 1 : VIOLENCE AGAINST CHILDREN Individually - A4 paper - marker What is violence against children?
Physical violence Emotional violence Sexual violence Neglect Exploitation online offline Training of Trainers - Improving the holistic protection of children at risk of violence 6 Phase Module 1 : VIOLENCE AGAINST CHILDREN Each participant asks 2 questions on the “types of violence” frame
All forms of physical or mental violence, injury and abuse, neglect or negligent treatment, maltreatment or exploitation, including sexual abuse (art. 19 CRC) There is an intention to carry the concerned act, threats are also violence, physical force is not always required Training of Trainers - Improving the holistic protection of children at risk of violence 7 Phase Module 1 : VIOLENCE AGAINST CHILDREN What is violence against children?
Training of Trainers - Improving the holistic protection of children at risk of violence 8 Phase Module 1 : VIOLENCE AGAINST CHILDREN Violence, abuse, same thing ?
Please discuss what are the 5 forms of Violence Against Children that are most prevalent in your work ? Training of Trainers - Improving the holistic protection of children at risk of violence 9 Phase Module 1 : VIOLENCE AGAINST CHILDREN Small group discussions
Who are the persons committing violence against children ? Training of Trainers - Improving the holistic protection of children at risk of violence 10 Phase Module 1 : VIOLENCE AGAINST CHILDREN Big group discussion
Who are the persons committing violence against children ? Training of Trainers - Improving the holistic protection of children at risk of violence 11 Phase Module 1 : VIOLENCE AGAINST CHILDREN People close to the victim Power relations Self abuse
Please make a drawing of the one CP issue that you are most concerned with in your work or in your daily life ? Training of Trainers - Improving the holistic protection of children at risk of violence 12 Phase Module 1 : VIOLENCE AGAINST CHILDREN Individual drawing on big colourful paper
Physical violence in school Verbal violence at home Early marriage Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Child labour (street, shops, restaurants, construction) Training of Trainers - Improving the holistic protection of children at risk of violence 13 Phase Module 1 : VIOLENCE AGAINST CHILDREN Small groups – present in writing, drawing, problem tree, other etc What are the causes, what are the consequences of:
- Lack of awareness of parents / gardians - Poverty - Cultural, religious, social beliefs and practices - Unexpected event (conflict, sickness, death in family, natural disasters Training of Trainers - Improving the holistic protection of children at risk of violence 14 Phase Module 1 : VIOLENCE AGAINST CHILDREN Main causes
-Physical harm (injuries, diseases) -Distress, anxiety -Disability (physical and mental) -Death (suicide, from injuries or disease) -School drop outs -Poverty resulting from lack of education, injury, difficult social integration Training of Trainers - Improving the holistic protection of children at risk of violence 15 Phase Module 1 : VIOLENCE AGAINST CHILDREN Main consequences
Factors increasing the risk of violence against children? Training of Trainers - Improving the holistic protection of children at risk of violence 16 Phase Module 1 : VIOLENCE AGAINST CHILDREN Running competition
Factors increasing the risk of violence against children? Training of Trainers - Improving the holistic protection of children at risk of violence 17 Phase Module 1 : VIOLENCE AGAINST CHILDREN Gender perspective, no solid family structure, kids special needs, conflict situation, emergencies
Online violence Training of Trainers - Improving the holistic protection of children at risk of violence 18 Phase Module 1 : VIOLENCE AGAINST CHILDREN How are the Violence Against Children issues affected by growing access to internet ?
Online violence Training of Trainers - Improving the holistic protection of children at risk of violence 19 Phase Module 1 : VIOLENCE AGAINST CHILDREN Beware of paranoia Online pornography, bullying exists. But internet is mostly a solution for many things (communication, socialize, study…) Children who are vulnerable offline are also more likely to be vulnerable online