Scholarship Information Session First Flight High School March 2, 2015
Accessing Information and Applications FFHS website: click on Students Click on Scholarship Information 2015 Open Local Scholarship Information and read Open Scholarship Criteria and determine eligibility Repeat for Scholarship Applications
Local Scholarships Local scholarships are awarded to seniors at FFHS, MHS and CHSS 80 scholarships were awarded to 42 members of the FFHS Class of 2014 $146,365* was awarded to the Class of 2014 These were in addition to scholarships awarded by colleges and universities *includes 4 multi-year scholarships
Scholarship Criteria Criteria varies by scholarship; generally based on one or more of the following – Field of study – Academics – School Involvement – Service to the community – Financial need – Character – Interview
Directions Read through the criteria – no one qualifies for every scholarship Write down the scholarships for which you qualify Go to the Scholarship Applications and print out those for which you are eligible Print at home – ask Mrs. Mitchell for copies if you do not have printer capabilities at home
Recommendations Number and type of recommendations vary by scholarship Ask recommenders at least two weeks in advance – no later than March 13 Give recommenders white business letter-size envelopes, a request for recommendation or resume and the scholarship recommendation form Have them return the recommendations to you before March 25
Recommendations continued Choose your recommenders carefully Do not have relatives complete recommendations for you Be sure to ask the individual in person Write them thank you notes after they complete their recommendations
Applications Read applications carefully Provide all information requested Use blue or black ink – not pencil All applications require unofficial transcripts – see Mrs. Mitchell for a transcript – you are responsible for copies
Applications continued Each application, recommendations, essay, and transcript must be placed in a 9x12 envelope with student name and scholarship name on the outside All applications are due in the counseling center by March 27 at noon
ACT/SAT Scores No longer included on transcripts Students may need to supply a copy for certain scholarships
Essays Vary by scholarship Most common is a personal statement Chosen field of study What you have done to prepare for college Experience that made significant impact Why you applied for the scholarship Review for correctness – grammar, spelling
Interviews May or may not be required Dress in business attire Arrive early Be prepared for questions and to “tell them a little about yourself” Have one or two questions to ask interviewers Mrs. Lee will help you practice
Outer Banks Community Foundation Lorelei Costa, Executive Director Administers over 30 scholarships Online process Students should request a transcript from Mrs. Mitchell, scan and it to the OBCF* * Students who do not have scanning capabilities, may request Mrs. Mitchell a transcript – request must be received by March 25.
Common Mistakes Applications completed in pencil No transcript with application Lack of recommendations Not eligible for the scholarship Spelling and grammatical errors Incomplete applications