Lights for Learning Give the gift of LIGHTS this Christmas.
Life-Changing Light When the sun goes down we flip on a switch and continue with our work, meal, study or play. But only 1-2% of rural households in Rwanda have electricity. When evening comes at 6 pm, these families are left in the dark. Their only sources of light are candles or small kerosene lamps, which produce dim light, smoke pollution, serious fire & burn hazards, and are a significant drain on the family budget. Without adequate light for evening homework it’s no wonder so many of the children struggle in school.
Program Background In 2011, World Vision kicked off Lights for Learning, a pilot project to make solar- powered study lamps available to the school children in Nyamagabe, Rwanda. Each compact lamp provides 4 hours of light on a full day’s charge. World Vision has distributed over 5,000 of these lamps to families, in partnership with local schools. The cost per lamp is about $16. Families buy them for $7, with monthly payments tailored to each family’s income.
Program Background Parents are thrilled that their children finally have enough light to study in the evenings, and the improved test scores point to the impact! Families also report the health benefits: welcome relief from kerosene smoke that affected their eyes, nose and lungs. And they now save the money they previously spent on kerosene.
The Light Grows The Lights for Learning pilot has been so successful World Vision is now expanding it to several other areas in Rwanda, and has received requests to bring it to other countries. Our help is needed. One light directly impacts the life of one family, an average of two children, and an average of four individuals. This Christmas, give the Gift of Lights! You can make a difference!
Our Advent 2012 Goal: (#N) Solar Lights Provided (#N) Lives Improved
Make a Difference! Learn More! (#date/time/location#) Hear a brief overview about the impact of this innovative program, see some videos, and learn how we can help improve the lives of children this Advent season. You Can Start Today Donate $16.00 for each Solar Light you wish to give as a gift this holiday. Write check to (#organization name#) by December 31, 2012 and deliver it to (#Lights administrator name#).
Thank you.