Welcome! Mrs. Facca 8 th Grade Advanced Language Arts Curriculum Night
About Me O B.A. in English from MSU O Pursuing Master’s degree in Secondary Education at Oakland University O 3 rd year at VHMS O Teacher Leader
Curriculum and Class Activities O This class is based on the Common Core State Standards for 8 th Grade English Language Arts. O Literary Genres Featured: O Historical Fiction O Science Fiction O Realistic Fiction O Non-Fiction O Writing Process O Prewriting, Editing/Revising Strategies O Replicate author’s styles O Composition O Writing leads, conclusions O Elaborating O Improving fluency and word choice O MLA formatting, mechanics, and rhetorical skills
What Makes this Class Advanced? O Higher level reading materials O Higher expectations for writing assignments O Higher level questions & in-depth answers O Special emphasis on the reading/writing connection O More independent work O Projects, presentations
Grading and Homework O Grades will be based on a total point system. Points for individual assignments will be based on time commitment and level of difficulty. O Written tasks on which students have not shown mastery may be redone and returned. O The original and new grade will be averaged. NHI= Present, but did not turn in work I= Incomplete (in progress)EX= Excused
Late Work O Late work is not encouraged, but I will accept assignments up to one week after the due date. O Late work will be marked down 10% for each day after the due date. O If there is a true emergency that prevents a student from completing an assignment on time, please contact me! We can work together to find a solution.
Policies and Rules O Students should demonstrate Viking POWER at all times. O Honesty and effort will always be rewarded! Cheating is not tolerated and will result in an automatic zero for the assignment and parent contact. O Be prepared to participate and learn each day! Bring all materials and homework with to class (passes to lockers for materials may result in a tardy).
Communication O Please contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns! Together we can ensure that each student is successful. O Check the class site for a current class schedule and links to notes/assignments. O Reach me through… O O I am happy to meet before or after school at your convenience!