Key Trends Shaping Transportation System Management Operations Timothy Papandreou CIO, Director Office of Innovation San Francisco Municipal Transportation
80% Empty 95% Stationary 100% Owned Binary policy system incompatible with city growth Timothy 120% Peak Demand 80% Empty Off-Peak
@NACTO Mobility options growing rapidly tailored to the trip type Timothy
4 Shifting of transportation norms from Binary system to Mobility As a Service I own and use my own transportation Or use public transit when commuting I own my transportation and/or access shared mobility options I access a menu of mobility options to meet my needs TraditionalTrendingNear Future Urban Suburban Rural Urban Suburban Rural Timothy Urban
Cities are leading the way, maneuvering through regional, state and federal policy & regulation Integrated Transportation & Land Use Policy Housing & Jobs Travel Demand Timothy
Virtuous cycle of integrated investments focus on mode shift outcomes Integration Collaboration Project Investment CascadeMode Shift Effect More comfortable bicycle facilities = more transit capacity Car/bike/scooter sharing, pooling demand grows investments in bicycling infrastructure, facilities & customer programs More transit and bicycle trips = more walking and more community economic development investments in walking infrastructure, facilities & safety programs investments in transit reliability, connectivity and frequency programs investments in demand management and vehicle sharing programs Great City: Excellent Transportation Choices 50% mode share by sustainable modes by 2018
7 Need for Policy Framework for scheduled + on-demand mobility Mobility on Demand Scheduled Mobility Timothy
8 Partnerships to reduce car ownership & optimize sustainable trips in the city Collaboration Platform Customers Mobility Providers Integrating Technology Timothy Residents Workers Visitors Commercial Public Private Employer Street Space Lanes Stations Spots Stops Docks City Transportation Platform Excellent Transportation Choices Safety Accessibility Interoperability Availability Affordability Sustainability Evaluation Excellent Transportation Choices Safety Accessibility Interoperability Availability Affordability Sustainability Evaluation Routing Booking Payment Un/lock Gamification Connected & Automated
2014 Survey All Trips to, From & Within San Francisco Utilizing data is essential to actively shaping new policy 2,500 Vehicles Approx. 350,000 Vehicles Approx. 150,000 Vehicles Approx. 20,000 Vehicles 0 Vehicles Timothy $1.5 B to move 50% trips green modes $4.0 B to move 50% trips by car mode OPPORTUNITY 71% Vote yes for $500 M streets Bond 69% Vote No for auto enhanced policy
Bike Sharing pilot 10X expansion to 7k bikes ebikeshare pilot Car Sharing pilots 900 on-street space pilot 380 dedicated so far Pilots, Agreements, Data Evaluations essential Integrating Partnerships Timothy
Customer Experience Routing Booking Payments Credits/Offsets Games/Value add Integrated for the customer experience Integration Vision
Transportation Platform will need physical & virtual integration- standards, polices & guidelines need more flexibility & customer focus Hi Tim! Heading Home Your Balance: 65 Trips 5 Carshare 5 Carpool 15 PEAK Transit 20 OFFPK 20 Bikeshare Credits: 10 Walk Get GOLD Status MyTrips San Francisco 65 F Trade Hi Therese! Timothy
Timothy Papandreou Timothy