Sentimental Analysis Via voice or Speech Estimation Baby Cries
Definition What is sentimental – attitudes, emotion, – feelings and opinion reflects from a human action or from they way he or she speak
Definition What is sentimental ? – Sentimental analysis also know opinion mining is refer to understand or finding opinion from author about something. Sentimental analysis is using natural language or text to identify and information from souce material.
Introduction Every day have new babies was birth to this earth happiness and harmony thing first time be a parent, parent will feel worry how to take care their baby Cries if vent their deep heart emotions. But for babies is a way to communicate. When they want communicate their parent or baby sitter only thing the baby will do is crying. When baby crying for new parents will feel nervous and flurried. Because they do not know why baby cry.
Introduction Why Babies cries? – The baby cry is try to express their need – If for the parent who have experience on this matter is easy to know what baby need when baby crying. – Feel like facing a big problem like earthquake. \ – easy exhaust if they can’t understand the babies feeling. – Babies from 2 months to 8 months is hard to predict why they crying. – Since baby is only crying so we only have this way to know that whether baby is pain, hungry, discomfort, sleepy through their voice. – The sound of cry is evoked information to parents
Significance of study hear that a lot of woman get depression disease after childbirth quite common cases were happen in a country Cause physical problem until cause a dead research will help this parent can understand what their babies try to express their need. Through this research can come out with a system to estimate baby’s cries. This is quite helpful for those new parents.
Significance of study reduce parent’s burden and easy to handle their baby save a lot of time. Have fun interaction with babies
Problem Statement 2 months to 8 months is using cries to communicate with their parents. no one is understand babies language. what kind information they try deliver to parents. 2 categories basic cries is due to hungry and mad cries is due to angry But cries do not mean baby is hungry or pain. Sometimes it is contain two kind information in sound cries. It can be babies are hungry and feel sleepy in the same time
Problem Tree Baby Cries Nevous and flurried Woman get depression desease Cause tragedy Communicate with parent Parent need a way to understand
Research Obejective can reduce parent’s burden Try understand what babies try to say Parent easy to know what babies need. In the same time parent also has more time to take a good rest. not easy to get depression disease. Furthermore it will prevent any tragedy happen to any family.