AN ASSESSMENT OF COMMUNITY HEALTH IN CRAIGAVON PROJECT AIMS The Bridge project aimed to assess the health and social care needs of individuals residing in 3 communities within the Craigavon area: North Lurgan- Drumnamoe Electoral Ward Corcrain- Corcrain Ward, Ballyoran & Redmanville Housing Aghagallon- 6/8 Districts within the Electoral Ward SELECTING HOUSEHOLDS COMMUNITY INTERVIEWERS The resident interviews were carried out by a team of community interviewers. A team of 7 community interviewers were recruited from the local area. Each interviewer completed an intensive training programme on the skills involved in conducting interviews and recording information. Interviewers received a payment of £12 per completed interview. Each interview lasted on average 1 hour. 842 households were selected from across the 3 areas were included in the Bridge study. Households were selected from across the whole of the Electoral Ward or Enumeration District, ensuring they were representative of the 3 communities. X BRIDGE QUESTIONNIARE Each of the selected households were sent information about the project and a member from the household asked to participate in a semi- structured interview. The interview included questions on a range of topics related to the resident’s physical and mental health. This included questions on: The Local Area Services/ Facilities Housing Employment Personal Health
KEY FINDINGS 842 households were included in the project. 540 individuals agreed to participate, giving an overall response rate of 64%. 41% Male : 59% FemaleAverage age 45 years (18 to 93 years) 75% Roman Catholic : 23% Protestant AREA Overall, there was a high level of resident stability within the 3 areas with 55% having lived in the Craigavon area for 20+ years. Over half (52%) held a positive view of their community, believing it to be ‘a good area, a good place to live’. Lack of teenage facilities and the rise of alcohol abuse were regarded as the 2 main social problems. LOCAL SERVICES / FACILITIES The majority of residents reported easy access to general community facilities, however, 58% reported difficulties in accessing hospital casualty 48% experienced difficulties getting to their doctor’s surgery. The 3 most needed services within the community included: Facilities for Youth Children’s Play Area Health Centre HOUSING Over one third of households included children aged under 12 years of which 43% were one parent families. Overall, one third of individuals mentioned a household complaint/s, which included outside noise, draughty windows/doors and damp/condensation. Levels of housing complaints was lower than the NI average. EMPLOYMENT 59% of individuals were classed as being ‘economically inactive’ which is higher than the Craigavon average. Just over half of individuals (55%) who were not in a paid job, stated they would like to be in employment. Jobs with more flexible hours, opportunities to work from home, further qualifications and training were highlighted as factors which would greatly improve job prospects. Overall 8.5% of individuals were involved in voluntary activity Whereas the majority of individual believed the troubles had a ‘great impact’ on the health of their community, the majority felt the troubles had ‘no effect’ on their own personal health. For a copy of the Bridge report contact Sonia Mawhinney at Praxis PERSONAL HEALTH One in six females and one in ten males reported high levels of emotional stress (i.e. they experienced sleeplessness, feelings of anxiety, isolation and depression). Overall 51% had been prescribed painkillers form their GP within the past 12 months; 21% had been prescribed anti-depressants. 19% had been prescribed sleeping pills and10% tranquillisers.