The Buddha Siddartha Gautama Raised as a Prince Sheltered life The great departure Left his life to find a way to end suffering Path to enlightenment Studied with gurus and monks then found enlightenment meditating
Four Noble Truths Suffering is a part of life. No one can escape suffering while alive. Suffering comes from people’s desires for pleasure and material goods. Overcoming these desires during life eventually brings suffering to an end. Desires can be overcome by following the Eightfold Path.
Eightfold Path Right View Accepting the reality of the 4 noble truths Right Attitude Striving for moderation Right Speech Avoiding lies, boasts and hurtful words Right Action Treating others fairly Right Livelihood Avoiding jobs that could bring harm to others Right Effort Trying to improve Right Mindfulness Awareness of the world Right Concentration Ignoring temptation or discomfort while meditating
Diffusion of Buddhism Diffused throughout India during Ashoka’s empire Missionaries to Sri Lanka and SE Asia Via trade to Central Asia Spread to China from C. & SE Asia From China to Korea & Japan
Branches of Buddhism Theraveda Way of the Elders Nirvana through meditation Monks and nuns Mahayama Help others achieve enlightenment bodhisattvas Tibetan Harness spiritual energy