Why is it the best? Our solar powered car is the best because with the dune buggy look it makes your car very stylish. Also because the solar panel is located on the top of the curve.
Needs Work. At first our model didn’t work so we had to make minor adjustments. We had to take our curve off to make the wires fit on the battery. With the wires being long enough we wouldn’t have to take off the curve and then our model would work.
Data! Time Trials123Average Up the hill6.6s9.5s11.1s7.06s Down the hill3s4s5.2s4.06s Flat surface9s9.3s7s8.43s
Data! Velocity Accelerate ForceWorkPower Efficiency Up the hill 1.4m/s1.42m/s Down hill 2.5m/s Flat surface 1.2m/s