Chapter 7 Insurance. Contents Learning Aims 1 Background Information 2 Case Study 3 Homework 4.


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Chinese to English Please pay special attention to the package, otherwise, the goods will be damaged in transit. Package should conform to the preference.
Presentation transcript:

Chapter 7 Insurance

Contents Learning Aims 1 Background Information 2 Case Study 3 Homework 4

Learning Aims  Asking for insurance arrangement;  Replying to an insurance application;  Asking for extra insurance;  Clarification of insurance terms.

various kinds of risks to be covered by insurance 1.FPA ( Free from Particular Average ). 2.WA or WPA ( With Average or With Particular Average ). 3.All Risks. 4.TPND ( Theft, Pilferage & Non-delivery ). 5.Fresh and/or Rain Water Damage Risk. 6.Shortage Risk. 7.Intermixture & Contamination Risks. 8.Leakage Risk. 9.Clash & Breakage Risks.

various kinds of risks to be covered by insurance 10.Taint of Odour Risk. Sweating & Heating Damage. 11.Hook Damage Risk. 12.Rust Risk.Breakage of Packing Risk. 13.SRCC ( Strikes, Riots, Civil Commotions ). 14.War Risk. 15.Import Duty Risk.On Deck Risk. 16.Rejection Risk.Failure to Delivery Risk. 17.Aflatoxin Risk. 18.Survey in Customs Risk. 19.Survey at Jetty Risk.

Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4 Case 5

Case 1 加纳联合进口有限公司去函,想请中国 宁波阳光进出口有限公司代替其在宁 波办理保险事项,主要是关于其 1001 号订单下的 5000 套熊猫牌电灯组件的 保险,要求按发票金额加 10% 投保一 切险,费用由其承担。 Key points 宁波阳光进出口办理保险 事项,要求按发票金额加 10% 投保一切险,费用由 其承担。

Useful Expressions 1 . covering 2 . refer to 3 . at your end 4 . on behalf of sb., on one’s behalf 5 . insure ( the goods ) against ( ××× risk 6 . debit note ( D/N ) 7 . credit note ( C/N ) 8 . draw ( a draft ) on sb. for ( money ) 1. 有关,适用 2. 查阅 3. 在你(贵)方 4. 代表 5. 给货物保 ××× 险 6. 索款通知,借方通知 7. 付款通知,贷方通知 8. 开出(汇票)向某人索要款 项

Useful Sentences 1 . We wish to refer you to our Order NO for 500 sets of “Forever” bicycles. 2 . Concerning our financial status and reputation, please direct all inquiries to Bank ofChina. 3 . Please insure the goods against All Risks and War Risk at your end. 4 . We will effect insurance on your behalf. 5 . We have drawn on you ( a draft ) at sight.

Letter 1 Dear Mr. Zhao, We wish to refer you to our Order No for 5,000 sets of “Panda” light fixtures, which was placed on CFR basis. As we now desire to have the consignment insured at your end, we shall be much pleased if you kindly arrange to insure the same on our behalf against All Risks at invoice value plus 10%, i.e. USD5,500.

Letter 1 We shall of course refund to you the premium upon receipt of your debit note or, if you like, you may draw on us at sight for the amount requested. We are looking forward to your early reply. Best regards Luke Brown

Notes to Letter One 1. Refund to sb: 退款、补偿给某人 e.g. We will refund to you for the sum. 我们会就那笔费用给你放退款。 2. On receipt of: 收到

Case 2 宁波阳光进出口有限公司收到加纳联合进口有 限公司 7 月 20 日的来信后,遂回函答应替对方向 中国人民保险公司办理投保标题货物的一切险, 投保金额为 5500 美元。 Key points 答应为加纳联合进 出口公司投保

Useful Expressions 1 . effect insurance 2 . captioned shipment, the subject article/goods 3 .( take out ) /cover insurance 4 . for your information ( FYI ) 1 .办理保险 2 .标题货物 3 .通过申请取得,办理 (保险)手续 4 .供参考

Useful Sentences 1. In reply to your letter of January 23 asking us to effect insurance on the above order, we are pleaded to inform you that we have covered the shipment with P.I.C.C. against W.P.A. 2. We will make the insurance according to your request. 3. We have effected insurance on your orders with P.I.C.C. 4. For your information, we have taken out an open policy with the Lloyd Insurance Company, London.

Useful Sentences 5. We have covered the goods against All Risks and War Risks. 6. We will handle the insurance as per your request. 7. The debit note for the premium will be presented by our agents in one week or two. 8. For your information, we are making arrangements to ship the goods by S.S. Ningbo which is due to sail for your port on February 4.

Letter 2 Dear Luke Brown, This is to acknowledge receipt of your dated July 20 requesting us to effect insurance on the captioned shipment for your account. We are pleased to inform you that we have covered the above shipment with the People’s Insurance Company of China against All Risks for USD5,500. The policy is being prepared accordingly and will be forwarded to you by the end of the week together with our debit note for the premium.

Letter 2 For your information, we are making arrangements to ship the 5,000 sets of light fixtures by s.s.“Fengqing”, sailing on or about the 5th next month. Best regards , Zhao Bin

Notes to Letter Two 1.Be pleased to inform: 高兴地通知 e.g. We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted as a member of our association. 我们高兴地通知你,你已经被我们协会录 取为会员。 2. By the end of: 在 …… 之前 e.g. by the end of this week 在本周末前

Case 3 巴基斯坦一家外贸公司去函,想让宁波 阳光进出口有限公司代替投保 A135 订 单。另外希望阳光公司能够打破惯例 按发票金额的 130% 投保破碎险,费用 由巴方承担。 Key points 按 130% 金额 投保破碎险

Useful Expressions 1 . on … basis , based on , on the basis of 以 …… 2 . in due course 3 . see to it 4 . for one’s account , for account of sb. 5 . usual practice 1. 以 …… 为基础, 在 …… 基础上,根据 2 .及时地,在适当时 3 .务必,注意,负责 4 .由某人负担 5 .惯例

Useful sentences 1. We would suggest that you place an order with us on CFR basis. 2 . We received in due course your letter of July . Please see to it that the above-mentioned goods should be insured not later than July . We hope that you can insure the goods for us, and the extra premium will be for our account. 5 . As our usual practice, insurance covers basic risks only, at 110 percent of the invoice value.

Letter 3 Dear Mr. Chen, Please refer to our Order No. A135 for 1,500 pieces of spotlights, which is placed on CIF basis. Now we would like to remind you to have the shipment insured in due course. Please see to it that the above-mentioned goods should be shipped before September 20 and that the shipment should be covered Clash & Breakage Risks for 130% of the invoice value.

Letter 3 We know that according to your usual practice you insure the goods only for 10% above the invoice value; therefore the extra premium will be for our account. We sincerely hope that our request will meet with your approval and await your reply with keen interest. Best regards, David Smith

Notes to Letter Three 1.Remind sb: 提醒某人 e.g. We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted as a member of our association. 我们高兴地通知你,你已经被我们协会录 取为会员。 2. By the end of: 在 …… 之前 e.g. by the end of this week 在本周末前

Case 4 宁波阳光进出口有限公司在审证时发现 对方要求增加谈判中未提到的险种, 宁波阳光答应了,但要求保险费由新 加坡方承担,尽早改证。 Key points 答应增加险种要求,但 要求对方修改信用证

Useful Expressions 1. go through 2. under, in the circumstances 3. at one’s cost 4. in compliance with 和 …… 5. see one’s way to 1. 仔细检查 2. 在这些情况下,情况 既然如此 3. 由某人承担费用 4. 和 …… 一致,根据 5. 设法,有可能做某事

Useful sentences 1. There is a mistake somewhere, so we’ll have to go through the documents and see where it is. 2 . We will have the captioned goods insured immediately under such circumstances to meet your requirements. 3 . We wonder if you can do us a favor to arrange the insurance at our cost. 4 . With regard to the price, we allow you a discount of 5% on all orders. 5 . We have already arranged for the shipment in compliance with your request. 6 . We hope you will see your way to arrange with your bank for an amendment to your L/C.

Letter 4 Dear Mr. Chen, We thank you for your of December 6 and your L/C No. TK305 for RMB25,000 issued by the Bank of Singapore, advised through the Bank of China, Hong Kong. On going through the stipulations of your credit, we regret to find that in addition to FPA and War Risk, you require insurance to cover TPND and SRCC, which were not agreed upon by both parties during our negotiations.

Letter 4 Under the ordinary circumstance, no loss or theft of such merchandise as pendant lamps is likely to occur during transport or after arriving at its destination. Therefore, it is our practice to cover FPA for such commodity. Since you desire to have your shipment insured against TPND, we can arrange such insurance at your cost.

Letter 4 With regard to SRCC, we wish to state that the People’s Insurance Company of China, from now on, accepts this special coverage and is in compliance with the usual international practice.

Letter 4 We hope you will see your way to arrange with your bank for an amendment to your L/C to increase the amount in order to cover the extra premium under advice to us. We assure you that as soon as your amendment reaches us, we shall, of course, make the necessary arrangement for the shipment. Best regards, Lee

Notes to Letter Four 1.In addition to: 除 …… 之外(还) e.g. In addition to a book, I gave her a pen. 除了一本书之外,我还给了她一支钢笔。 2. Arrive at: 抵达某地 e.g. We arrived at the destination at 3PM. 我们在下午三点抵达了目的地。

Case 5 中国人民保险公司上海分公司的经 理,代表中国轻工业进出口有限公 司上海分公司开具了一份保险单。 Key points 开立保险单

Useful Expressions 1. this is to certify that 2. in the event of 3. in duplicate 1. 兹证明 2. 假若 3. 一式两份

Useful sentences 1. The inspection should be completed within a month after the arrival of the goods. 2. Who issues the inspection certificate in case the quality do not confirm to the contract ? 3. If any damage to the goods occurs a claim may be filed with the insurance agent at your end. 4. It is the usual practice that insurance be covered in the same currency as in the L/C. 5. This risk is coverable at a premium of 2.6‰.

Letter 5 Policy No This is to certify that this Company has insured on behalf of China National Light Industrial Product Import & Export Corp., Shanghai Branch. The sum of US dollars one hundred thousand only. Upon ten thousand pieces of Great Wall Brand landscape lights. At & From Shanghai to New York. Ship or Vessel: S.S. “Chang Feng”, Sailing on or about May 20, Covering All Risks.

Letter 5 In the event of damage, it should be surveyed by Johnson Survey Co., and claims should be payable at Shanghai. This policy is issued in duplicate at Shanghai on May 7 in the year two thousand twelve. The People’s Insurance Company of China Shanghai Branch ( Manager )
