Primary 1 Information Meeting Wednesday 18 th May 2016 Springfield Primary School and Bonnytoun Nursery
GIRFEC Safe Healthy Achieving Nurtured Active Responsible Respected Included
Putting the spring into Springfield Our school values are: Rights Respect Equality Compassion Honesty Resilience Ambition
Classes 2016/ 2017 343 pupils 14 classes 108 nursery Acting Head Teacher: Miss Wallace Acting Depute Teacher: Miss Baillie Acting Principal Teacher: Mrs D McLean Primary 1 Teachers: Miss Mudd, Mrs Kennedy, Miss Harrison
Parental Partnerships Education is a partnership between parents/carers and school staff Staff at Springfield Primary School and Bonnytoun Nursery welcome and value the support and involvement of parents/carers in your child’s education
Curriculum For Excellence Focuses on the ‘whole child’ Active learning Makes learning meaningful and real Emphasis on developing Literacy and Numeracy skills Develops skills for learning, skills for life and skills for work Recognises achievements and raising attainment Wider achievements valued
Introducing… Top tips from our current P1 pupils
Communication Please check school bag daily for letters and news. ‘Meet the Teacher’ event in 14 th September 6.30 – 7.30 Groupcall School Blog School Blog Newsletters and News flashes Class assemblies and performances Parents’ Evenings – October and March End of year report Parent Teacher Association Parent Council
First Day – Where Memories are Made Tuesday 23 rd August 2016 Entrance to Primary 1 from the main playground. Parents/carers can settle their child in the class (on the first day) A plea – only photograph your own child / no video cameras in school please
School Hours Monday to Thursday 8.50am – 3.15pm Friday only 8.50am – 12.25pm
Morning Safety at School Drop off at the playground gates - supervision from 8.30am All children then line up outside their classroom - doors open at 8.50am If your child is late please take them to the office
End of the day - safety Children will initially be released one-to-one from their class teacher It is important that your child stays with the teacher until “their grown up” collects them If whoever normally comes to collect your child at the end of the day is late, your child will be taken to the main office Please notify the school of any changes to your child’s normal pattern of leaving school
Food! Breakfast club – 8.15 am – free, no need to book Morning Break am – small healthy snack, suitable shoes and outdoor clothes Lunch Time pm Children can have a school lunch, packed lunch or a home lunch
Getting ready for school Practise dressing skills… buttons, shoes, jumpers, buckles Encourage handling of pencils, books, crayons and scissors… share with others … listen to and follow instructions … tidy up Train your child to cope with basic hygiene independently
What does my child need for starting school? School Uniform – (labelled) Indoor shoes – named (to be kept in school) P.E. Kit in bag – named (to be kept in school) Basics in a pencil case – pencil, rubber and sharpener A jacket for playtime and a school bag Healthy snack for playtime – no kiwi fruit or nuts Bottle of water each day – non-flavoured
School uniform White polo shirt/white shirt/white blouse Green sweatshirt/jumper/cardigan Dark skirt/pinafore/trousers Suitable outdoor shoes and indoor shoes
Positive behaviours Repairing relationships through Restorative Practice. Stickers, awards, public praise and visit to HT, DHT or PT Positive feedback to parents/carers House points Growth Mindset – ‘I can’t do it, yet!’
Medication/ Being absent Children requiring medication to be taken during school time – parent/carers need to complete forms which are available from the school office It is essential that you contact the school as soon as possible If the school is not contacted then a Group Call alert will be sent
Getting Involved Regular events for parents / carers – Family Learning Programme Parent Council and Parent Teacher Association Parent Helpers are always welcome – coffee morning June 10 th 9.30 – 10.30
Parents/ Carers visiting school All doors locked, entry system Always report to the school office Parents can speak to P1 teacher informally about concerns or small issues Appointments can also be made
Visit Thursday 16 th June School hall 2pm Invitations in pack
Next steps… Any questions, please ask