Senior 2 Book 4 Sheila
Is the fat Saleem a popular or an unpopular person? Why? Appearance: Background: Personality: overweight obese, obese billionaire businessman impolite greedy greedy selfish impatient
obses: his huge weight & a fat finger Working under enormous pressure can ( 促使肥胖 ) ______________________ Saleem’s obesity might be caused by _______________________________ adj fat, overweight obesity n. contribute to obesity. unhealthy diet/lifestyle, lack of exercise …
He was obsessed with making money. (line 10) = be crazy about, be hooked on, be addicted to … O bese people are usually …
selfish Saleem ruined a rainforest by c________ all the valuable trees and forcing the villagers to move out in order to ( 建一个 能给他工厂提供电力的大坝, 这些工厂将 会给他带来巨大的利润。)valuable utting down build a dam that would provide power for his factories, which would bring him vast profits.bring him vast profits
valuable: In Saleem’s view, ___________ is more valuable than environment ( his health) Syn ( 宝贵的,无价 的) invaluable, priceless Ant (不值钱的,无价值的, 无用的 +less ) worthless, valueless, useless I ‘ve obtained _________ friendship here in the past 2 years. What the so-called expert said seemed ________. adj. of great value
to bring him vast profits (n) = Saleem will profit from it a lot (V) sth profit sb 毒品交易会给不法发商人带来巨大利润。 Drug dealing can ___________________________ Jack Ma Alibaba _______ people in Chongming _______ our school bring illegal businessmen vast profits
“Where?” demanded … impatiently. L38 After the bell rings at 12 o’clock, if the teacher keeps talking, you will ______. adv. wait impatiently you are impatient or not patient
be patient with be impatient with patience (n.) adj&n adj Saleem lacks patience.
What are they going to do ? His personal doctor to bring him vital news _____________.vital One of his engineers to wait for his decision on an important matter of business.decision about the only medicine that could save his life.
vital : adj. important = of ______________________ (to sb) play a vital role in … vital/great importance Saleem villagers in the valley ? Saleem’s family ?
If Saleem could foresee the consequences, what do you think he would do ? foresee, foresaw, foreseen predict sth
Maintaining a balanced diet is _________ to Harry Saleem’s health, but he is just ________________ making money. In his opinion, the most__________ thing is what can ________________________ but not the great time with his family. Once he even growled _____________ when his young kids were in an attempt to ask him to play games with them. Upset and scared, they ran away at once. However, if he could ___________ the concequences, everything would be changed. impatiently valuable vital foresee obsess bring … vast profits vital obsessed with valuable bring him vast profits impatiently foresee
Saleem’s greed, his death, Protect our evironment, A harmonious world Lets’… what can we learn from Harry Saleem?
Group work Make a dialogue between Saleem & his wife(two kids, or a villager from the valley, or his staff) obese impatiently be obsessed with vital valuable foresee the consequences bring … vast profits regret for what he has done and missed hope to (suggesions ) … be aware of pay more attention to…
Homework Suppose you were Harry Saleem, write a letter to your wife, chidren, or villagers and ask your desk mates to write down their comments or feedback on your writing. (80-120) With the phrases mentioned today Your feelings,suggestions on life (the balance of nature or between work and life etc. )