Section 8 Inspection Wychwood CE Primary School November 2015 Joseph Rubba
Context HMI will test whether leaders and governors have identified weaknesses or areas needing development at the school. In reaching their judgement about whether the school remains good, HMI will focus particularly on the capacity of leaders and governors to identify such areas and tackle them quickly and effectively. -paragraph 55 School Inspection Handbook
Preparation Short phone conversation to establish timetable for the day. Documents requested listed on page 22 of Handbook We included 3 additional files that outlined the work undertaken for school improvement. (Assessment without Levels, Target Setting and Marking and Feedback)
Key Lines of Enquiry More able pupils making good progress (from assessment information & SEF) Boys in EYFS (from assessment information & SEF) Maths and Writing in KS2 (from assessment information) British Values (from previous inspection report) Governance (from previous inspection)
Timetable for the Day Arrive at 8:00 Meet staff 8:15 Meet parents on playground 8:30-8:50 Discussion with Headteacher (KLE) 8:50-9:30 Lessons 9:30-10:10 Assembly 10:10-10:30 Discussion with Headteacher 10:30-11:00 Meet with children 11:00-11:20 Lessons 11:20-12:00 Safeguarding 12:00-12:30 Meet with LA (Phone conversation) 12:30-12:45
Timetable for the Day (continued) Meet with Governors 1:00-1:30 Discussion with Headteacher (KLE, Assessment, PPG, Findings, Parent View) 1:30-3:00 Review of documentation 3:00-4:00 Meet with Headteacher to discuss report 4:00-4:45 Feedback to Headteacher, Chair of Governors and LA 5:15 Overall 5 lessons seen Observed assembly Met with 4 governors Met with 8 pupils Spoke with 8 parents and had 94 responses on Parent View
Discussion & Questions Take me to your most effective teacher. What would you say about challenge? (After looking at workbooks) Take me to a teacher you have specifically been working with to improve outcomes. What are your impressions of the teaching and learning just observed? What feedback would you be giving this teacher? How are governors involved in school improvement? Give me an example of how you keep children safe. How is school improvement shared? What are your feelings about the layout of this classroom?
Discussion & Questions (continued) We discussed why the school is not yet outstanding. Areas to develop and what would help me as a leader move the school forward. Website- strengths and weaknesses. Safeguarding including Single Central Record, Risk Assessments, Site Security and Safer Recruitment. Raiseonline-my assessment as a Headteacher new to the school about what the data indicates and what I found within the school. Did the two align? What changes I had made in my first 6 weeks in the school. What are the challenges in the school?
In Conclusion ‘Walking and Talking’ SEF Know your school!