PARENT INFORMATION EVENING 2015. Joy in learning, a fun, challenging journey to be the best we can be.


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Presentation transcript:


Joy in learning, a fun, challenging journey to be the best we can be.

So what did our parents say about last year? We sent out the OFSTED questionnaire with the children’s reports, we received 134 responses, this is about a 40% return which is a pleasing response.

Q1. My child is happy at school 64% strongly agreed, 28% agreed, only 1 person disagreed, no-one strongly disagreed and no-one responded with don’t know. Q2. My child feels safe at this school. 76% strongly agreed, 23% agreed, only 1 person disagreed, no-one strongly disagreed and no-one responded with don’t know.

Q3. My child makes good progress at this school. 63% strongly agreed, 34% agreed, 2% (3 people) disagreed and 1 person strongly disagreed. Q4. My child is well looked after at this school. 71% strongly agreed, 26% agreed, 1% disagreed, no-one responded with strongly disagree and 1 person didn’t know (!)

Q5. My child is taught well at this school. 93% strongly agree, 7% agree, only one person disagreed. Q6. My child receives appropriate homework for their age. 45% strongly agree, 40% agree, 10% disagree, 2 % strongly disagreed and 2% didn’t know.

Q7. The school ensure that the children are well behaved 65% strongly agree 30% agree, 1% strongly disagree and 3% don’t know. Q8. The school deals effectively with bullying. 38% strongly agree, 27% agree, 4% disagree, 2% strongly disagree and 28% don’t know (many commenting that they had never had any cause for concern about bullying).

Q9. The school is well led and managed. 61% strongly agreed, 39% agreed, 1% disagreed. Q10. The school responds well to any concerns I raise. 60% strongly agreed, 23% agreed, 1% disagreed, 1% strongly disagreed and 5% didn’t know.

Q11. I receive valuable information about my child’s progress. 63% strongly agreed, 35% agreed, 2% disagreed. Q12. I would recommend this school to another parent. 66% strongly agree, 30% agree and 4% don’t know.

OFFLEY DRIVERS 1. TEAM WORK & TOLERANCE Pupils develop skills linked to – co-operation, working together, understanding others, having empathy 2. IMAGINATION & CRITICAL THINKING Pupils develop skills linked to – expressing creativity, challenging their own learning, cross- curricular topics/themes, role-play, pupil voice being heard 3. LOVE OF LEARNING Pupils develop skills linked to – understanding ‘Who they are’, developing pride and building their self-esteem & confidence, having responsibilities, overcome barriers to learning, choice, learning styles 4. DEVELOPING RESILIENCE Pupils develop skills linked to – preparing for life outside of school, making healthy choices, their physical & emotional well-being, adapting to change, dream big and never give up!

HOME SCHOOL CONTRACT At Offley Primary School we believe that the partnership between the school, the pupils and the home is of great importance in ensuring the most effective learning environment where each child is encouraged to achieve to the best of their ability and potential. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child states that:-  Children have the right to say what they think should happen when adults are making decisions that affect them and to have their opinions taken into account.  Children have a right to an education. Discipline in schools should respect children’s human dignity.  All children have a right to relax and play and to join in a wide range of activities.  Children should be protected from any activities that could harm their development. Please read and sign the contract on the following page to show we agree to work together in the best interests of your child.

SCHOOL RESPONSIBILITIES  To provide a safe, caring and enjoyable learning environment delivering a broad and balanced curriculum in line with national requirements.  To ensure the continual assessment of every child in terms of achievement and effort.  To have high expectations for behaviour and individual pupil development.  To inform parents of any unauthorised absences.  To provide and monitor homework which supports work done in school.  To inform parents/ guardians of any information which may affect their child’s progress and requires discussion.  To ensure that there are effective lines of communication between home and school.  To provide a minimum of one written report on each pupil for each academic year.  To hold Parents’ Evenings.  To provide opportunities for all parents/ guardians to become fully involved in the life of the school. Class teacher signature: __________________________Date: ________________ HOME SCHOOL CONTRACT

HOME RESPONSIBILITIES  To support your child at home.  To ensure that any holidays are arranged within school holiday periods and not during term time.  To get your child to school on time, every day and to collect them promptly at the end of the school day.  To let the school know of any absences as soon as possible on the first morning of absence.  To provide the school with up to date emergency contact telephone numbers and advise us of any changes to these contacts.  To let the school know of any information which may affect your child’s progress  To support the high standards of the school on dress, behaviour, homework and hygiene.  To attend Parents’ Evening and other arranged opportunities and become involved in the life of the school. Parent/Guardian signature _________________________________Date: _______________ HOME SCHOOL CONTRACT

PUPIL RESPONSIBILITIES  To work hard and try hard at all school activities.  To be caring, sensible, respectful and thoughtful in your dealings with others.  To respect property belonging to yourself, the school and anyone else.  To respect and care for our school environment.  To wear the school uniform with pride.  To move around the school in a safe and sensible manner.  To make sure that all homework is completed and handed in on time  To challenge yourself to be the best you can be! Pupil signature: __________________________Date: ___________________ HOME SCHOOL CONTRACT


Any change of contact details please inform the office. FOPS AGM next Wednesday 16 th September at 6pm.
