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Objectives Understand the role of security software such as anti-malware, IDS, and NAC Diagnose and troubleshoot security issues 5.4 Security Software 416
Privilege escalation Malware symptoms o Computer fails to boot / locks up o File system corrupted or deleted o Date stamps and file sizes of infected files change o Permissions attributes of files change, resulting in "Access Denied" errors o New executable files (EXEs and DLLS) appear o Strange messages or graphics appear on the screen o Security applications or services stop working o Applications or Windows tools stop working or crash frequently o Performance at startup or generally is very slow - excessive use of CPU and memory resources by suspicious processes o Network performance is slow or Internet connections are disrupted Malware 5.4 Security Software 416
Anti-virus / Anti-malware Software Virus identification Removal / quarantine Policies 5.4 Security Software 417
File system integrity o sfc o ReFS o SecureCheq o AIDE Downloaded files o Checksums File Integrity Issues 5.4 Security Software 418
Preventive Measures Configure and update security software Audit permissions 5.4 Security Software 419
Intrusion Detection Systems Real-time analysis of network traffic Network IDS (NIDS) o Sensor inside firewall o Spanned port on switch o Passive detection o Limited prevention 5.4 Security Software 420
Unified Threat Management o Intrusion detection / prevention o Malware scanning o Firewall o Traffic filtering Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDP / IPS) o Throttle bandwidth o Reconfigure firewall o Rewrite packets Unified Threat Management 5.4 Security Software 421
Host Intrusion Detection 5.4 Security Software 422
Signature-based o Must be updated with latest definitions o Many attacks do not conform to specific signatures Behavior-based (statistical / profile) o Train sensor to recognize baseline “normal” behavior o Heuristics (learning from experience) o Statistical model of behavior o Tuning period o High error rates Anomaly-based o Identify traffic that is non-compliant with RFCs Analysis Engine 5.4 Security Software 423
Defense-in-depth Device control Physical port security MAC address filtering and limiting o DHCP snooping IEEE 802.1X o Port-based Network Access Control (PNAC) Endpoint Security 5.4 Security Software 424
Network Access Control 5.4 Security Software 425
Vulnerability assessment o In-depth analysis of security systems and policies Pentest o Attack on live or test system Either can be disruptive to a production network Vulnerability Assessments 5.4 Security Software 426
Vulnerability Scanners Software configured with list of known exploits / vulnerabilities Active or passive detection Host / OS or web application 5.4 Security Software 426
Packet Sniffers 5.4 Security Software 427
Review Understand the role of security software such as anti-malware, IDS, and NAC Diagnose and troubleshoot security issues 5.4 Security Software 428