Oigikhgkjhkjhkjgkgik Reception Newsletter Term 5/6 – April 2016 Dates to Note 11 th Apr – Training Day 12 th Apr – School Opens 27 th May – School Closes 6 th June – School Opens 17 th June – Sports Day 4 th July – Transition day to new classes 5 th July – Second transition day 13 th July – Sundown Adventure Trip 20 th July – School Closes – 1.30pm If there are any questions please do not hesitate to ask. Kind regards Mrs Smith Curriculum This term our topic will be Growing. We will be learning about things that grow including plants, animals and people. Learning opportunities will include:- Communication and Language Understanding – following instructions Speaking – opportunities to express themselves effectively, developing explanations by connecting ideas. Reading – read words and simple sentences, blend the sounds in simple words for reading, reading tricky words. Writing – write own name and other things such as labels and captions, segment the sounds in simple words for spelling, writing simple sentences using phonics. In Maths Numbers – adding, subtracting, doubling, halving and sharing. Shape and measures – learning about time and comparing size. Understanding the World – make observations of changes in plants and human growth, explaining why things occur and talk about changes. Physical Development – health and self care – know importance of good health and physical exercise, healthy diet and keeping safe. Values this term – April – Sacrifice May – Service (pay it forward) June- Patience July – Courage As children have access to the outdoor area at all times, please make sure have a sun hat and water proof jacket in school. they Please apply sun cream to you child before school if applicable. Homework Daily reading and phonics practise. Phonics books every week. Learning Journeys every fortnight. Please mark in the yellow reading journal when you hear your child read. Please hand in your child’s reading folder if you need their book changed – thank you! Reading folders need to be in school everyday!! Yellow Phonic books on Thursdays. Learning Journeys handed in as soon as they are completed. Tapestry We now have 41 parents that regularly look at the progress their child is making on Tapestry. Thank you so much! Please be advised that at the end of the term your login will become inactive. So if you want to keep this treasured document you might want to start printing out each observation. Don’t forget you can still upload photos from home that we can then share with staff and children in school!! We love to see what the children are learning to do at home. School Website Reception Blog standrewsprimaryreception.wordpress.com St Andrew’s C. E. Primary School Grafton Street, Kettering, Northants NN16 9DF ‘where young minds grow and young hearts learn to care ̓ Dear Parents, Welcome back to the Summer Term. We have lots of exciting things to look forward to….including growing lots of plants that you will be able to buy later in the term. We hope to spend lots more time outdoors so let’s hope the weather starts to brighten up soon. Outdoor Wear In the Early Years a large proportion of time is spent learning outdoors. Please make sure your child ALWAYS has an outdoor coat and strong outdoor shoes. Also a lot of resources are left outdoors each day. Please respect these resources and don’t let younger children untidy them before and after school. Thank you! As children have access to the outdoor area at all times, please make sure they have a sun hat and water proof jacket in school. Please apply sun cream to you child before school if applicable. School Trip!! For our Summer trip this year we have decided to team up with KS1. We are going to Sundown Adventure Land. This will be a wonderful opportunity for our children to get to know children and staff from the class they will be in, in September. The children will be placed in small groups alongside children from their new class. The date will be July 13 th. More information to follow.