Earth Layers Foldable Follow each of the steps carefully in this presentation to complete your foldable
Color in sections according to the key on the instructions paper Inner core: red Outer core: red-orange Lower mantle: orange Middle mantle: light orange Upper mantle: yellow Ocean crust: dark brown Continental crust: light brown Ocean: blue
Get two pieces of white paper. Place one paper on the table and the other on top, but 2 inches from the top of the bottom paper.
Fold both pieces of paper at the same time to create 4 layers Put two staples on the bottom corner as seen in the picture below
Cut all layers, information boxes, and labels out Cut all layers, information boxes, and labels out. Don’t forget to cut out “The Earth’s Layers on the top of the instruction sheet **You can throw out one of the outer core labs, as we will only be using one of them** Throw this one out ONLY
Tape the crust layer on the top of your foldable **Make sure fold is at the bottom (closest to you)
Fold one flap up and tape the mantle layer next
Fold the third flap up and tape the outer core layer to it
Fold the final layer up and tape the inner core layer to it
Tape the labels and info box on the crust flap
Tape the labels and info box on the mantle flap Draw that black bracket in
Tape the labels and info box on the outer core flap
Tape the labels and info box on the inner core flap
Tape the follow-up questions on the back of the foldable
Answer the questions taped to the back of the foldable and the layer information boxes using the reading packet The completed foldable and questions are due tomorrow (Thursday)