ARIMNet Presentation ARIMNet A cooperative network for Agricultural Research in the Mediterranean Michel DODET Coordinator
ARIMNet Presentation A European Project A project supported and funded by the European Commission A European project coordinated by France (INRA) larger than Europe, including as full members: –6 EU members (Italy, Portugal, Spain, Greece, Cyprus and France) –2 associated countries (Turkey and Israel) –4 Mediterranean Partner Countries (Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco and Algeria)
ARIMNet Presentation What is at stake? To create a community of research through the coordination of national programmes in Agricultural Research within the Mediterranean countries to address jointly the common key issues for Mediterranean agriculture to better deliver what is expected from Agricultural research by decision makers, stakeholders and Mediterranean people
ARIMNet Presentation The challenges Food security and food safety Climate change Natural resources management for a sustainable use (esp. water and soil) Use of genetic resources Emerging/invasive diseases Health and nutrition Urbanisation and rural development
ARIMNet Presentation The context Agriculture and agro-food industry and their markets are a major component of the economic and social activity in the Mediterranean area Three common specificities: climate, vegetation, a unique biodiversity But… Problems are global and research systems to address them are local Weak coordination at the European level and scattered cooperation policies in the Mediterranean
ARIMNet Presentation How to contribute to respond to the challenges? ARIMNet project aims to changing this context in fostering our capacity to reach a stronger and efficient cooperation through three major achievements: –Better coordination of national agricultural research programmes –In depth and durable cooperation between ARIMNet partners –Elaboration of a shared vision on agricultural research priorities in the Mediterranean
ARIMNet Presentation ARIMNet in brief ARIMNet is organised in 4 steps: A better and shared knowledge of ongoing programmes within the projects participants, including capacity development programmes (doctoral and post doctoral fellowship schemes, large facilities) Italy and Algeria will be in charge of this work package
ARIMNet Presentation ARIMNet in brief (2) To identify programmes that are near enough to make feasible the organisation of their convergence. Spain and Turkey will be in charge. The final choice will be made after a conference that will gather the stakeholders in the region.
ARIMNet Presentation ARIMNet in brief (3) To organise joint activities, ensuring complementarities between the national programmes. Egypt and Portugal will be in charge. To launch an area wide programme on trans national funding. Morocco and Greece will be in charge
ARIMNet Presentation ARIMNet in brief (4) The general coordination is under the responsibility of France and Tunisia ARIMNet will benefit by the expertise of two major international actors in the area, CIHEAM and ICARDA that are associated to ARIMNet. It will also ensure that actions will be better coordinated and complementary.
ARIMNet Presentation ARIMNet in brief (5) The governance of ARIMNet is based on three bodies: –The Steering Committee, chaired by Italy, which is the decision making body; –The Management Committee to implement the decisions of the Steering Committee, chaired by the coordinator, gathering the work package leaders; –The coordinator
ARIMNet Presentation ARIMNet and beyond At every step, ARIMNet will disseminate largely, in the Mediterranean community and beyond, its major achievements ARIMNet is a step in a process that should aim to reach a long term cooperation: –To set priorities together –To promote sustainable agriculture –To implement the ad hoc programmes in the area –To provide the distributed but coordinated organisations that will be necessary to address properly the key issues That is the meaning of our commitment
ARIMNet Presentation ARIMNet Thank you for your attention