A Framework for Transportation Planning Lancaster County’s LRTP, Connections 2040, provides transportation planning over a 28-year period, from The LRTP is updated every four years. Its purpose is to: Facilitate a dialogue on mobility choices; Serve as the basis for setting transportation funding priorities; Provide a Vision and Plan to achieve a multimodal system; Focus on preservation of the existing system; and Support the Lancaster County Comprehensive Plan. LCTCC Educational Program
The LRTP is an element of the Lancaster County Comprehensive Plan
Federal Context The LRTP is developed in accordance with federal surface transportation law: Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21 st Century (MAP-21), enacted on July 6, It is also developed to be consistent with the statewide and metropolitan transportation planning regulations issued by the United States Department of Transportation (US DOT). LCTCC Educational Program
Federal, State and County Requirements The LRTP must be consistent with: Federal. Federal air quality requirements. Federal. Public participation requirements. Federal. Eight federal transportation planning factors. State. The Pennsylvania Mobility Plan. State. The Pennsylvania Highway Safety Plan. County. Consistent with the Lancaster County Comprehensive Plan. LCTCC Educational Program
Overarching Themes PEOPLE “Users first” philosophy SYSTEM Whole system thinking ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT Used wisely TECHNOLOGY Increase efficiency fairly & effectively MODES Real options available QUALITY OF LIFE Communities and businesses thrive
Key Stakeholders and Committees Connections 2040 was developed over an 18-month period. An LRTP Update Task Force led the effort o 38-members representing various stakeholder groups o Involved a new relationship with the Pennsylvania Historical Museum Commission to provide a proactive focus on the potential impacts of transportation projects on historic and cultural resources The Transportation Technical Advisory Committee (TTAC) and Transportation Citizens Advisory Committee (TCAC) provided reviews throughout the process. The Task Force and staff kept the Lancaster County Transportation Committee informed and received input from the LCTCC throughout the plan development. LCTCC Educational Program
LRTP Content 1.Significant transportation and demographic trends and issues 2.A vision statement, goals, and strategies 3.Policies and actions that support the Growth Management Strategy 4.A “fiscally constrained” list of transportation projects—the Transportation Improvement Program or TIP—to be implemented 5.Implementation strategies and actions LCTCC Educational Program
Goals of the LRTP GOAL A.Target transportation investments to support the Envision Lancaster comprehensive plan and the County’s Smart Growth Program. GOAL B.Maintain and improve the county’s multimodal infrastructure. GOAL C.Improve safety and security for all users of the transport system. GOAL D.Manage and operate the transport system to reduce congestion. GOAL E.Protect the county’s agricultural, natural, historic, and cultural resources. LCTCC Educational Program
Transportation and Demographic Trends LCTCC Educational Program Trends in Travel and Safety
Transportation and Demographic Trends # WorkersSOVCarpoolTransitBicycleWalk Home Lancaster244, %9.5%1.4%.7%3.6%6.2% Pennsylvania5,723, %8.8%5.4%.4%3.8%4.4% Commute to Work Mode Choice LCTCC Educational Program
Congestion Management Process Mitigation Strategies Capacity additions Capacity Management Intersection improvements Traffic signalization changes Day to day operations Demand Management Reducing SOVs through alternative modes Coordination of land use and transportation planning The Congestion Management Process (CMP) is developed and used to monitor congestion. Better operation of existing infrastructure and investments in alternative modes can create much of the needed new capacity.
LCTCC Educational Program Asset Management Plan The LRTP must have an Asset Management Plan that determines when key transportation infrastructure such as roads and bridges on state-owned roadways are in need of improvement and the best strategies and timing of the improvements. Bridges Lancaster County has a total of 1,132 bridges: 718 ( 63%) are state bridges 414 (37%) are local bridges Deficient Bridges 164 (23%) state-owned bridges are structurally deficient 104 (14%) state-owned bridges are functionally obsolete
Financial Element The LRTP must be “financially constrained” based pm a realistic expectation of funding to pay for all of the projects that the MPO plans to implement. Connections 2040 was based on a flat line projection of expected revenues. Act 89: Since adoption of Connections 2040, Pennsylvania passed Act 89 that adds $65 million over four years to Lancaster County’s distributed federal and state funds. Most of this will be used for system preservation. LCTCC Educational Program Before Act 89: $154 million With Act 89: $219 million