Changing Population Trends 9.2
Infrastructure The basic facilities and services that support a community (transportation, roads, schools, hospitals, etc.)
Population growth problems: overcrowding, pollution, overdeveloping land, logging, etc.
4 Problems Due to Rapid Growth: 1. Vegetation, water, and land are the resources most critically affected by rapid growth
2. A shortage of fuel wood Results in disease and malnutrition
3. Unsafe water Water diseases: Affect the intestines Ex. Cholera, Typhoid, & Dysentery
4. Lack of Land Arable Land Land that can be used to grow crops
Urbanization More people moving/living in cities Results in: increased traffic, less efficient infrastructure, reduction of farms and wildlife habitat, etc.
Least Developed Countries Show few signs of development and have increasing death rates, while birth rates remain high
Given priority for foreign aid and development programs
Managing Development & Population Growth: China, Thailand, & India have created ways to decrease fertility rates
*Public Advertising *Family Planning *Economic incentives *Legal punishments
The world human population is more than 6 billion Medium growth rates are predicted for the next 50 years