I. Preventing Accidents A. Most accidents are caused by driver error. B. Standard Accident Prevention Formula: 1. Be Alert 2. Be Prepared 3. Act In Time
II. Distractions A. According to NJ State Police, in 1997 Fatal accidents were caused by: 1. Inattentive Driving- 154 deaths 2. Drunk Driving- 135 deaths 3. Pedestrian negligence- 120 deaths 4. Disregard of Stop Sign- 59 deaths 5. Traveling too fast for conditions- 35 deaths
III. Keep A Space Cushion A. To avoid a collision you need time to react. B. Keep space on all sides of your car. C. Don’t get boxed in. D. Do not tailgate, this is when you are following to closely behind a vehicle
IV. Cell-Phone & Other Tech. A. Use common sense B. Remember to keep two hands on the wheel. C. Think about safety first. D. The fine for braking this law is between $100 and $500.
V. Communication A. Use signals, horn, and lights to communicate with other drivers. B. Try to make eye contact with other drivers. A. When using the lights and Horn you can talk to other drivers
VI. Adjusting To Different Roads A. City Driving- you must be able to handle more: 1. Heavy traffic, pedestrians, less visible vehicles 2. You need to look at least 12 seconds ahead. 3. Be ready for anything.
VII. Carbon Monoxide A. A gas given off by your cars exhaust. B. It has no odor so may be hard to notice. C. Symptoms: Yawning, Dizziness, & Stomach Upset. D. Get Fresh Air quickly E. To Avoid: don’t idle car with windows closed, don’t warm car while in a closed garage.
VIII. Highway Driving A. Speeding is a factor in 29% of fatal crashes on dry roads, 32% on wet roads, 47% with snow, & 54% on ice. B. Slow Down, don’t be in a rush to die.
IX. Curves A. Slow down before the curve. B. On right hand curves don’t drift into the other lane. C. On Left hand curves, watch for other vehicles drifting into your lane.
X. Construction Zones A. Slow down, fines for moving violations are doubled in a construction zone. B. Always identified by advanced warning signs or flashing lights usually up to 1half mile before.
XI. Changing Lanes & Passing A. Check Traffic, Signal, Shoulder Check, Smooth change when safe. B. Decide if you really need to pass, Decide if you can pass without speeding. C. Slow down when being passed.
XII. Following Distance A. There is no perfect rule for following distance A. One car length for every 10 MPH ex: 60mph=6 car lengths A. 2 second rule- used as way to gauge safe following distance, with a object. Changed to 4 seconds in the rain. 6 seconds in the snow. WET ROADS- road surfaces are most slippery during the first few minutes of rainfall. When driving through a puddle, test brakes by pumping them.
XIII. Hydroplaning A. Tires can ride up on a film of water like water skis at speeds of 35 MPH or more. B. To avoid hydroplaning, slow down in heavy rain, standing water or slush and do not drive on bald or worn tires.
XIV. Snow and Ice A. Motorists are liable if ice flies from their vehicle and causes death, injury or property damage. B. You will skid if you: Accelerate to quickly, Turn to fast, Brake improperly C. Snow tires can be used between Nov. 15 & April 1 of each year.
XV. Night Driving A. Drive with in the range of your headlights 500 feet with high beam 350 feet on low beam B. Driver should slow down 25 to 30% from daytime speeds. C. Always consider the following factors: A. Speed B. Reaction distance (distance traveled before hitting the brake) C. Braking distance (distance needed to completely stop vehicle)