NHTS 2012 Customer satisfaction, KBIs & PFIs: the aggregate
© Ipsos MORI NHTS 2012: an overview LAs Average sample4,5004,8825,0455,0285,026 Mailout148,500371,026479,300325,200377,500 Returns27,68269,31081,61460,62660,624 Average returns Average URR19.0%18.7%17.0%17.6%16.0% Source: measure2improve/ Ipsos MORI
© Ipsos MORI Q6a. Still thinking abut the local area, would you say that compared to a year ago there are more potholes and damaged roads, there are fewer, or has there been no change in the number? 2“Shabbier…”? Base: valid responses for Q6a from among 60,624 returned questionnaires from English adults, across 75 local authority areas, postal survey with average response rate of 16.0%, July-August 2012, data weighted to local population profile plus aggregate weight 60% 13% 28% Source: Ipsos MORI analysis of NHTS 2012
© Ipsos MORI Q2. …how satisfied or dissatisfied would you say you are with the following…? 3“Angrier…”? Top 5 – % satisfied Street lighting (68) Safety on roads (59) Taxi (58) Pavements (56) Bus (54) Top 5 – % dissatisfied Condition of roads (59) Traffic levels/congestion (37) Pavements (30) Overall (29) Cycle routes/lanes (26) Base: valid responses among 60,624 English adults (75 LAs), July-August 2012 Source: Ipsos MORI analysis of NHTS 2012
© Ipsos MORI Q.How satisfied or dissatisfied would you say you are with road maintenance in this area? Q. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the condition of roads* in this area? (* from 2011) 4“Angrier…”? Base: 60,000+ English adults Source: NHTS Base: 1,000-2,000 GB adults Source: Ipsos MORI for CSS
© Ipsos MORI Q. How satisfied or dissatisfied would you say you are with the condition of roads? 5A cleaner trend: the cohort +1 27% 58% 12% Source: Ipsos MORI analysis of NHTS 2012 Base: all answering (includes invalids) among cohort
© Ipsos MORI Also little change elsewhere6 + change in %satisfied Source: Ipsos MORI analysis of NHTS 2012 Base: valid responses among 60,624 English adults (75 LAs), July-August 2012
© Ipsos MORI Q7. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the way the Council undertakes cold weather gritting (salting) and snow clearance? 7Better on winter gritting/snow Base: 60,047 valid responses 2011 (70 LAs), 58, (75 LAs) Source: Ipsos MORI analysis of NHTS
© Ipsos MORI But dealing with potholes…8 Way Council deals with 20% 59% Speed of repair 15% 69% Notice of roadworks before happen 58% 18% Quality of repair 22% 58% Source: Ipsos MORI analysis of NHTS 2012 Base: valid responses among 60,624 English adults (75 LAs), July-August 2012
© Ipsos MORI 9Strong link between more potholes and KBI23 KBI23 (road condition) Potholes: Net % more (more – fewer) Source: Ipsos MORI analysis of measure2improve data Base: valid responses among 60,624 English adults (75 LAs), July-August 2012
© Ipsos MORI 10And with ratings of way deal with problem Council deals with potholes Source: Ipsos MORI analysis of measure2improve data Base: valid responses among 60,624 English adults (75 LAs), July-August 2012 Potholes: Net % more (more – fewer)
© Ipsos MORI Q4. The Council has to decide what to focus on and how to use its budget to improve transport and highways in the local area. Which three of these do you think are most in need of improvement in your local area? 11Clear PFI (“doing best what matters most”) Condition of roads Pavements and footpaths Levels of traffic pollution Street lighting Traffic levels and congestion Safety on roads Bus service Cycle routes and facilities RoW network DRT Community transport Taxi/mini-cab services Source: Ipsos MORI using NHTS 2012 data Base: valid responses among 60,624 English adults (75 LAs), July-August 2012
© Ipsos MORI Q. Thinking about this local area, which four or five of the things on the card, if any, do you think most need improving? 12Even salient among range of local issues Base: 986 British adults 15+, June 2012 Source: Ipsos MORI Local Improvement Index
© Ipsos MORI QOf the following transport issues, which two or three do you think should be the highest priority for Government And for national (and local) journalists too13 Base: All key journalists: 2012 (34) Source: Ipsos MORI Transport Journalists Study
“Getting to the bottom of what residents think about local services..plays a vital role in improving services. Placed alongside cost and performance information it is also a vital tool in helping prioritise work and resources” Cllr Peter Fleming, chairman of LGA’s Improvement Board (LG ‘Inform’ initiative) The amount of planned total cuts to public spending implemented by end of 2011/12 Source: IFS What to do? 14
© Ipsos MORI Awesome fiscal challenges15
© Ipsos MORI KBI23 (road condition) 16Identifying PFIs & innovation through benchmarking… LAs Source: Ipsos MORI analysis of m2i data Base: valid responses among 60,624 English adults (75 LAs), July-August 2012
© Ipsos MORI …and analysis17 % dissatisfied with road condition 58 % dissatisfied with road condition 62 % more potholes 74 % dissatisfied way deals with potholes 83 % dissatisfied with speed of repair 90 % dissatisfied with quality of repair 78 % satisfied with road condition 29 % satisfied with road condition 26 % more potholes 34 % dissatisfied way deals with potholes 25 % dissatisfied with speed of repair 34 % dissatisfied with quality of repair 24 All adults (60,624) All adults (60,624) All car /van drivers 2-3/wk+ (47,227) All car /van drivers 2-3/wk+ (47,227) Source: Ipsos MORI analysis of NHTS 2012 Base: valid responses among 60,624 English adults (75 LAs), July-August 2012 Informed / not 41 / 58 Informed / not 57 / 41
© Ipsos MORI PFIs: the “customer lens”18 Potholes is the key driver Will report issue when see it, not later More complicated than simply saying spending money Want to see vfm & management of contractors Customers say want honest info about size of task Plus clarity on how priorities are decided: –where? when? why? Source: Ipsos MORI for local authority clients, 2012
© Ipsos MORI Conclusions19 “Customer lens”: road condition still clear PFI Is universal, visible, damaging Been stress-tested Potholes are the problem Some comfort: KBI23 dissatisfaction stable Takes time to turn around perceptions Innovation, nerve and good comms likely to be key
@BenM_IM Thank you & good luck
© Ipsos MORI KBI23 average = 36.6 while HMBI11 = Council deals with potholes KBI23 Source: Ipsos MORI analysis of NHTS 2012 data