Participant Expectations Be Responsible Return promptly from breaks Be an active participant Use the law of two feet Be Respectful Maintain cell phone etiquette Listen attentively to others Limit sidebars and stay on topic Be Kind Enter discussions with an open mind Respond appropriately to others’ ideas
Objectives for Session 2 1. Discuss fading students from interventions 2. Review and discussion of group interventions and decision rules 3. Modifying group interventions 4. Practical FBA – parts one and two
Develop a Process for Fading Students from Interventions Establish a process to fade students from interventions once they have met criteria indicating the intervention was successful
Fading Students Tier 2 group interventions are intended to provide targeted support to students for a brief period of time Schools should establish a process for fading students from interventions
Fading Students: General Guidelines Fade from 5 days to 3 days Fade from 3 days to 2 days Fade from 2 days to 1 day Fade from 1 day to 1 day every two weeks Fade from 1 day every two weeks to 1 day a month Self-monitoring is recommended for some students
Fading Students: General Guidelines Implement each phase of the fading process for 2 weeks If successful, continue next phase of fading If unsuccessful, go back to last implementation where student was successful Monitor student progress closely Record fading phases in CICO under Add Plan Change
Team Time Discuss fading procedures for BEP or another group intervention. What questions do you have?
Create a System for Using Group Interventions Establish a system to appropriately match student need with interventions and develop decision rules to determine what success looks like
Response to Intervention What is the typical way we determine how a student responds to small group or individual intervention?
Decision Rules to Evaluate Student Response to Tier 2 Group Interventions 1. How are students identified as in need of the intervention (i.e., teacher referral, flagging criteria)? 2. What are the data sources used to identify the need? 3. How does the intervention get started? 4. How long will the student receive the intervention before data are reviewed? 5. How are data collected and tracked? 6. Who brings data summary to team meetings? 7. How will you know if the student is responding to the intervention?
Example: Decision Rules for BEP 1. How are students identified as in need of the BEP intervention? Teacher referral and flagging criteria 2. What are the data sources used to identify the need? Teacher referral indicates that the student misbehaves for attention Flagging criteria suggest repeat misbehaviors
Example: Decision Rules for BEP 3. How does the intervention get started? Tier 2 team trains staff on features of BEP and to implement with fidelity. BEP Mentor obtains parent permission and then meets with the student to explain the intervention. The mentor shows the student how to check in, take the DPR to all teacher throughout the day, check out, and take a copy of the DPR home. 4. How long will the student receive the intervention before data are reviewed? 6 weeks
Example: Decision Rules for BEP 5. How are data collected and tracked? DPR data are entered daily into CICO-SWIS by the BEP Mentor. Student progress is reviewed by the Mentor every week. 6. Who brings data summary to team meetings? BEP Mentor 7. How will you know if the student is responding to the intervention? Student has earned 80% of DPR points on average per day per week for 6 weeks
Team Time Complete the Decision Rules to Evaluate Student Response to Tier 2 Group Interventions for BEP. Be prepared to share your decision rule for determining response to BEP.
Modifying Group Interventions The behavior support plan team should have a process to brainstorm modifications to existing group interventions before developing individual behavior plans.
Tier 1/Universal School-Wide Assessment School-Wide Prevention Systems HSC-T, RD-T, EI-T Group Interventions -Check in/Check-Out -Behavior Education Program (BEP) Group Intervention with Individualized Feature (e.g., Check and Connect – CnC and Mentoring) Brief Functional Behavior Assessment/ Behavior Intervention Planning (FBA/BIP) Complex or Multiple-domain FBA/BIP ODRs, Attendance, Tardies, Grades, DIBELS, etc. Daily Progress Report (DPR) (Behavior and Academic Goals) Competing Behavior Pathway, Functional Assessment Interview, Scatter Plots, etc. Social/Academic Instructional Groups (SAIG) Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports: A Response to Intervention (RtI) Model Illinois PBIS Network, Revised October 2009 Adapted from T. Scott, 2004 Tier 2/ Secondary Tier 3/ Tertiary Intervention Assessment
Group Interventions with Individualized Features Consider modifying existing interventions for an individual student before writing an individual behavior pla Group discussion – discuss examples of how you are already doing this
Practical FBA The behavior support plan team should have a process to develop individual behavior plans for students with mild to moderate behavior problems.
Process Get out your list of students identified as being of concern. Complete the Student Review and determine next step for the student(s): Existing group intervention Individual behavior support plan Monitor – no intervention at this time Ask questions as you complete your Student Review(s)
Practical FBA The rest of today will be devoted to learning a process for completing a Function-Based Assessment of an individual student..\..\Practical FBA\Session 1_2011changes.pptx..\..\Practical FBA\Session 2_2011changes.pptx
Next Time Learn the last two steps in the Practical FBA process See the behavior Hypothesize Develop an individual behavior plan
Before Our Next Session Select a student who the team has determined needs an individual behavior support plan Complete the first two parts of Practical FBA (Describe and Ask) and bring the information you gather to the next session